Welcome to the Cornell Human Ecology People Directory

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*To view a full, alphabetical list of staff or other college affiliates, use the arrow buttons on the right of the “Employee Type” field to choose the appropriate category for your search.

Lydia Afman
Courtesy Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Nooshin Ahmadi
Nooshin Ahmadi
Senior Lecturer
Human Centered Design
Adam Anderson
Adam Anderson
162 Human Ecology Building
Laura Barre
Laura Barre
Assistant Clinical Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
414 Savage Hall
Joeva Barrow
Joeva Barrow
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Mitochondrial Disease, Metabolic Disease, Obesity
122 Savage Hall
Fatma Baytar
Fatma Baytar
Assistant Professor
Human Centered Design
133 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Leighton Beaman
Leighton Beaman
Associate Professor of Practice
Human Centered Design
3419 MVR
Tolunay Beker Aydemir
Tolunay Beker Aydemir
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
225 Savage Hall
Laura Bellows
Laura Bellows
Associate Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
3107 MVR Hall
Daniel Berry
Daniel Berry
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
307 Biotech
Catherine Kueffer Blumenkamp
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Fashion Design, Vernacular Art and Architecture, Curation
MVR 1427
Charles Brainerd
Charles Brainerd
G331C Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Anthony Burrow
Anthony Burrow
Ferris Family Associate Professor of Life Course Studies
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research
G211 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Daniel Casasanto
Daniel Casasanto
Associate Professor
G229 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Marianella Casasola
Marianella Casasola
Professor, Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs
1300B Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Patricia Ann Cassano
Patricia Ann Cassano
The Alan D. Mathios Professor in the College of Human Ecology
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Epidemiology of Chronic Disease, Nutrient Gene Interactions, Precision Nutrition
3110B MVR
Stephen Ceci
Stephen Ceci
Helen L. Carr Professor of Developmental Psychology
G110 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Melissa Conroy
Melissa Conroy
Senior Lecturer
Human Centered Design
HEB 262
Audun Dahl
Audun Dahl
Associate Professor
G211, Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Eve De Rosa
Eve De Rosa
Mibs Martin Follett Professor in Human Ecology
173 Human Ecology Building
Rachel Dunifon
Rachel Dunifon
The Rebecca Q. and James C. Morgan Dean, College of Human Ecology
Policy Analysis and Management
1300 F Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
John Elliott
John Elliott
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design
3425 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
David Erickson
Joint Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
 Gary Evans
Gary Evans
Elizabeth Lee Vincent Professor, Interim Director of Graduate Studies in Design + Environmental Analysis
Human Centered Design
3415 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Martha Field
Martha Field
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Mitochondrial One-Carbon Metabolism, Erythritol as A Biomarker
113 Savage Hall
Roger Figueroa
Roger Figueroa
Assistant Professor in Social and Behavioral Science in Nutrition
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Health Equity, Implementation Science, Nutrition Security
3215 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Julia Finkelstein
Julia Finkelstein
Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Epidemiology , One-Carbon Metabolism, Maternal and Child Nutrition
3109 Martha Van Rensselaeler Hall
Margaret Frey
Margaret Frey
Vincent V. C. Woo Professor in Fiber Science and Apparel Design
Human Centered Design
235 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Emily Wilcox Gier
Emily Wilcox Gier
Associate Professor of Practice and Dietetic Internship Director
Division of Nutritional Sciences
215 Savage Hall
Rhonda Gilmore
Rhonda Gilmore
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Design + Environmental Analysis
Human Centered Design
2419 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Raymond Glahn
Courtesy Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Fed Nut Lab
Marlen Gonzalez
Marlen Gonzalez
Assistant Professor
T227 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Yasser Gowayed
Yasser Gowayed
Lau Family Professor
Human Centered Design
T57A Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Denise N. Green
Denise N. Green
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies in Fiber Science & Apparel Design
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Fashion Studies, Natural Dyes, Anthropology of Dress and The Body
T37 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Keith Evan Green
Keith Evan Green
Jean and Douglas McLean Professor
Human Centered Design
202 Human Ecology Building
Zhenglong Gu
Courtesy Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Cindy Hazan
Cindy Hazan
Andrew H. & James S. Tisch Distinguished University Professor
G215 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Juan Hinestroza
Juan Hinestroza
Rebecca Q Morgan '60 Professor of Fiber Science & Apparel Design and Interim Chair
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Intersection Science-Design, Nanomaterials in Textiles, Use of Waste as Raw-Material
135 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Will Hobbs
Will Hobbs
Assistant Professor
T231 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
John F. Hoddinott
H.E. Babcock Professor of Food & Nutrition Economics and Policy
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Food Security, Early Life Nutrition, Poverty
3111A MVR West
Adam Hoffman
Adam Hoffman
Assistant Professor

Research Interests

Development of Social Identity, Social Identity Interventions, Mental Health and Well-Being
T229 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Ying Hua
Ying Hua
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design
3421 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Samantha Lee Huey
Samantha Lee Huey
Research Associate
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Maternal/Child Nutrition, Gut Microbiome, Precision Nutrition
3101 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Misha Inniss-Thompson
Misha Inniss-Thompson
Assistant Professor
T225 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Associate Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Host-Microbe Interactions, Infant Nutrition, Sphingolipids
301/303 Biotechnology Building
Saleh Kalantari
Saleh Kalantari
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design
2427 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Cindy (Hsin-Liu) Kao
Cindy (Hsin-Liu) Kao
Assistant Professor
Human Centered Design
233 Human Ecology Building
Gunisha Kaur
Visiting Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Sander Kersten
Sander Kersten
Division Director; Schleifer Family Professor in the College of Human Ecology Division of Nutritional Sciences
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Lipid Metabolism, Molecular Response to Fasting, Precision Nutrition
127 Savage Hall
Eddy Man Kim
Eddy Man Kim
Director of Digital Design and Fabrication Studio (D2FS), Senior Lecturer
Human Centered Design
2421 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Kimberly Kopko
Kimberly Kopko
Senior Extension Associate; Associate Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension and Associate Director of Extension and Outreach in the College of Human Ecology
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research

Research Interests

Parenting , Child Development, Family Processes
1201 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Fran Kozen
Fran Kozen
Senior Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies for FSAD Majors
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Natural Dyes
275 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Tashara M. Leak
Tashara M. Leak
Associate Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Nutrition and Health Equity, Adolescents, Community-Based Interventions
Xingen Lei
Joint Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Sang Leigh
Sang Leigh
Assistant Professor
Human Centered Design
T35 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Renata Leitao
Renata Leitao
Assistant Professor
Human Centered Design
2429 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Van Dyk Lewis
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design
T33 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Janet Loebach
Janet Loebach
The Evalyn Edwards Milman Assistant Professor in Child Development
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Children's Environments, Participatory Research & Design, Behavior Mapping
MVR 2415
Corinna Loeckenhoff
Corinna Loeckenhoff
Janet and Gordon Lankton Professor of Developmental Psychology, Professor of Gerontology in Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research
G227 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
 Marla Lujan
Marla Lujan
Associate Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
216 Savage Hall
Mduduzi Mbuya
Courtesy Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
No CU Address
Saurabh Mehta
Saurabh Mehta
Janet and Gordon Lankton Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Precision Nutrition , Global Health , Point-Of-Care Diagnostics
Martha van Rensselaer Hall
Jane Mendle
Jane Mendle
Associate Professor
G213 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Andrew R. Milewski
Andrew R. Milewski
Lecturer Visiting
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Roberta Militello
Human Centered Design
Eva Monterrosa
Courtesy Lecturer
Division of Nutritional Sciences
104 Savage
Marion Nestle
Courtesy Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
311 Savage Hall
Sumit Niogi
Director, Cornell Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility
Kimberly O'Brien
Kimberly O'Brien
Division of Nutritional Sciences
230 Savage Hall
Angela Odoms-Young
Angela Odoms-Young
The Nancy Schlegel Meinig Associate Professor of Maternal and Child Nutrition
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Health Equity/Racism , Food and Nutrition Security , Social and Structural Determinants
Anthony Ong
Anthony Ong
G209 MVR Hall
Heeju Terry Park
Heeju Terry Park
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Activewear and Protective Clothing, Smart Wearable Interface, Ethics of Design and Fashion
131 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas
Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas
Courtesy Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Nutritional Epidemiology, Global Policy, International Nutrition
World Health Organization
Erica Phillips
Joint Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Kimberly Phoenix
Kimberly Phoenix
Senior Lecturer
Human Centered Design
T31 - Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Karl Pillemer
Hazel E. Reed Professor in the Department of Psychology, Professor of Gerontology in Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research

Research Interests

Aging and The Life Course, Sociology of The Family, Intervention Research
1300 MVR Hall
Angela Poole
Angela Poole
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Precision Nutrition, Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Health, Oral Microbiota and Pathologies
Biotechnology Building G53
Shu-Bing Qian
Shu-Bing Qian
James Jamison Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Translational Reprogramming, Nutrient Stress Response, Mrna Epigenetics
211 [Office] & 208 [Lab] Weill Hall
Jaleesa Reed
Jaleesa Reed
Assistant Professor
Human Centered Design
231 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Valerie Reyna
Valerie Reyna
Professor / Department Extension Leader
G331D, Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Caitlin Romagnola
Courtesy Lecturer
Division of Nutritional Sciences
No CU address
David Sahn
David Sahn
Division of Nutritional Sciences
3103A Martha Van Rensselaer (MVR) Hall
Larissa Shepherd
Larissa Shepherd
Assistant Professor
Human Centered Design
HEB 137
Robert Sternberg
Robert Sternberg
G101 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Ning Su
Ning Su
Visiting Associate Professor
MVR Hall 3M-04
Felix Thoemmes
Felix Thoemmes
Associate Professor, Department Chair

Research Interests

Statistics, Causal Inference, Missing Data
Uris Hall 242
Tamer Uyar
Tamer Uyar
Associate Professor of Fiber Science
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

Nanofibers and Nanotextiles, Medical Textiles and Drug Delivery, Water Treatment, Food Packaging
273 Human Ecology Building (HEB)
Nathaniel Vacanti
Nathaniel Vacanti
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
120 Savage Hall
Henning U. Voss, PhD
Director, Cornell MRI Facility
Cornell MRI Facility
Meng Wang
Meng Wang
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences

Research Interests

Metabolic Sources of Dna Damage, Dna Damage in Ageing and Cancer, Targeting Leukemia With Dna Damage
Savage Hall
Qi Wang
Qi Wang
G231 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Yuhan Wang
Yuhan Wang
Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences
223 Savage Hall
Jenna Wells
Jenna Wells
Assistant Professor
G207 Martha Van Rensselaer
Nancy M. Wells
Nancy M. Wells
Senior Associate Dean for Research + Graduate Education, Professor
Human Centered Design
Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research
1300F Martha Van Rensselaer Hall ( MVR )
Jennifer Wilkins
Jennifer Wilkins
Courtesy Professor of Practice
Division of Nutritional Sciences
No CU Address
Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams
G108 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Jay (JungKyoon) Yoon
Jay (JungKyoon) Yoon
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design
MVR 3427
So-Yeon Yoon
So-Yeon Yoon
Human Centered Design
3411 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Rana Sagha Zadeh
Rana Sagha Zadeh
Associate Professor
Human Centered Design

Research Interests

User-Centered Design in Healthcare, Systems Approach, Healthcare Entrepreneurship
Victor Wenze Zhong
Courtesy Assistant Professor
Division of Nutritional Sciences