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So-Yeon Yoon is a Professor of Design and Environmental Analysis and the director of Design-User Experience-Technology (DUET) Research Lab at the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University. She is currently the president of the Design Communication Association.
She practiced interior design and architecture in Korea and the U.S. With her education and industry experience in design with digital media, she taught the School of Design at the University of Ulsan in Korea and worked with industry partners on large-scale interface/interaction design projects. From her experience in both interior design/architecture and web application development, Yoon earned her Ph.D. in Information Technology with an emphasis on Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual Environments to address 1) the effect of design using simulations and 2) the user-technology interaction based on empirical research findings for design decision-makers and users.
In 2014, the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) had announced Yoon as its 2014 Educator of the Year. Yoon’s research has been developed around the interdisciplinary areas of design, user experience and human-computer interaction using computer simulation techniques. To better answer the research questions related to user experience and impacts of designed environments, she adopts innovative approaches with research collaborators from neuroscience, marketing, media psychology, and medicine. Before Cornell, Yoon taught in the Architectural Studies Department at the University of Missouri in Columbia for 12 years, leading the design with digital media graduate program. Yoon was a recipient of 2011 Gold Chalk Award for teaching excellence and three-time finalist for excellence in teaching with technology award from the University of Missouri.
Research interests
- User Experience and Designed Environments: Investigating user experiences within designed environments using self-reports, psycho-physiological measures, and high-fidelity simulations.
- Creative Problem-Solving and Communication: Exploring creative problem-solving and communication in human-computer interaction and design, considering individual and cultural differences.
- Emerging Technology in User Experience: Employing emerging technologies to assess emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to design elements in both physical and virtual environments.
- Immersive Technology-Driven Art: Designing immersive technology-driven interactive media art prototypes to create captivating spatial effects in indoor settings including workplaces, assisted living facilities, performance art sets, and healthcare environments.
Teaching art and technology of design was one of my primary motivations to pursue doctoral studies, and it remains the main reason for me being in academia. I am grateful for being able to work with bright and motivated Cornell students who are eager to learn and make a positive difference by design.
I am committed to facilitating a learning environment that is enjoyable and also rigorous. I continuously devise several teaching strategies to help students become competent designers and effective communicators/storytellers regardless of their personalities, preferred learning and problem-solving styles. In all my classes, I attempt to personalize instruction to meet the needs of each student with the respect they deserve, but without compromising the standards of excellence. Because students possess different learning strategies, abilities, and diverse backgrounds, I value and promote diversity by presenting information in a variety of formats and by interacting with individual students as a facilitator to engage them in active learning.
I thoroughly enjoy working with our students, helping them build various design communication skills and user experience approach to become good designers/problem-solvers, and learning from them how they process information and apply the acquired knowledge into their work. Since design and visualization technologies are essential elements of my research, teaching also serves as an exciting opportunity to attract motivated and talented students for my research projects. I see teaching and research as being complementary to my personal growth and one of my professional goals -- to become a facilitator for students as they grow well-rounded designer+researcher and leaders in the field.
DEA1150: Design Graphics and Visualization
DEA3301: User Experience Design with Technology Studio (focusing on Interiors)
DEA5520: Virtual Experience of Designed Environments
DEA4020 : Supervised Fieldwork
DEA4000 : Directed Readings
DEA4010 : Empirical Research
Book Chapters and Books
- Yoon, S.-Y. & Chung, S. (2016). Exploring the 3C Workplace: For Connectedness, Collaboration and Creativity. In Alan Hedge (Ed.), Ergonomics Design for Healthy and Productive Workplaces, CRC press. pp. 389-406.
- Yoon, S.-Y. & Wise, K. (2014). Reading Emotion of Color Environments: Computer Simulations with Self-Reports and Physiological Signals. In J. Watada, H. Shiizuka, K. Lee, T. Otani, & C.-P. Lim (Eds.), Industrial Applications of Affective Engineering, Springer. pp. 219-232.
- Yoon, S.-Y. (2007). Exploring Usability of Web-based Virtual Reality Technology. Berlin, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller.
- Tofle, R., Schwarz, B., Yoon, S.-Y., & Max-Royale, A. (2004). Color in Health Care Environments: Coalition for Health Environments Research.
Exhibition (*refereed)
- *Threads of Light and Soundscapes: A Spatial Exhibition of Interactive Textiles and Projections, 2023 Cornell Council of Arts, March 17-April 7, 2024.
- e-Motion, in a digital aga, what is human? Immersive projection arts for professional dance performance, The Cherry Arts, May 26- Jun4, 2023.
- *Immersive Portraits of COVID: [Pause], 2022 Cornell Council of Arts Biennial, MVR Gallery, Sept. 13-30. 2022.
- *2018 Design Communication Association Drawing Exhibition of selected works, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, Oct. 30-Nov. 15. 2018.
- *NanoWhere –Cornell Council of Arts Biennial, MVR Gallery, Sept. 18-30. 2014.
- *2014 Design Communication Association Drawing Exhibition of selected works, School of Architecture, Southern Polytechnic State University. Oct. 1-5. 2014.
- Solo exhibition, The Colors of Seoul, The Flora Rose House dining hall, Cornell University, March 19-April 9, 2014
- Solo exhibition, An Enjoyable Journey from Analog to Digital, Cornell DEA Gallery, Jan. 21-Feb. 16. 2014
- *Solo exhibition, Pixel & Paint, FanCo Gallery, Seoul National University, June 19-Aug.17. 2013.
Selected Journal Articles
- Lee, J., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2024). Moderating Effects of Individual Traits on the Association Between Nature and Patient Wait Experiences, Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD), First published online February 2, 2024.
- Lee, J., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). Nature and Patient Waiting: Mediating Effects of Anxiety and Perceived Wait Time on the Association Between Nature and Service Perception. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91, 102-113.
- Jang, J., Shin, J-Y, Kim, J., Yoon, S.-Y. & Kim, Y. (2023). An Investigation of the Impact of Virtual Reality on Alleviating Anxiety in Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 117(5), 1191–1199.
- Nehme, B., Rodríguez, E. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). Assessing Spatial User Experience for Design Guidelines: A Comparative Study of Waiting Rooms with Conventional and Modern Features. Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD), 16 (3). 83-103.
- Sadeghi, S., Daziano, R., Yoon, S.-Y. & Anderson A. (2022). Affective experience in a virtual crowd regulates perceived travel time, Virtual Reality. Nov 3. 1-11.
- Lee, S. Y. & Yoon, S.Y. (2022). Small living space shapes and place attachment: the moderating role of gender and personality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality. 1–11.
- Sadeghi, S., Daziano, R., Yoon, S.-Y. & Anderson A. (2022). Crowding and perceived travel time in public transit: virtual reality compared with stated choice surveys, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. OnlineFirst
- Rossetti, R., Yoon, S.-Y., & Daziano, R. (2022). Social Distancing and Store Choice in terms of a pandemic. Journal Retailing & Consumer Services. 65:102860.
- Nehme, B., Irribarra, D., Cumsille, P., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2021). Waiting Room Physical Environment and Outpatient Experience: The Spatial User Experience Model as Analytical Tool. Journal of Interior Design. 46(4), 27–48.
- Nehme, B., Rodríguez, E., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Spatial User Experience: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Physical Settings. Journal of Interior Design. 45(3). pp. 7-25.
- Kim, H. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). How to Help Crowded Destinations: Tourist Anger vs. Sympathy and Role of Destination Social Responsibility. Sustainability. 12(6). pp. 2358-2373.
- Baek, E., Choo, H., Wei, X, & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Understanding the virtual tours of retail stores: How can store brand experience promote visit intentions? International Journal of Retail & Distribution, 48(7), pp. 649-666.
- Baek, E., Choo, H., Wei, X, & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Understanding the virtual tours of retail stores: How can store brand experience promote visit intentions? International Journal of Retail & Distribution. In Press.
- Lee, S., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Exploring Augmented Reality for Mobile Learning: A Case Study with Children’s Readings on Sustainable Futures. International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning. Accepted.
- Kim, H., Yi, S., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2019). Exploring touch feedback display of virtual keyboards for reduced eye movements. Displays. 56, pp 38-48.
- Alvarez León, I., Nehme, B.J. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2019). Identifying customer’s emotional responses towards guest-room design by using facial expression recognition, in the hotel’s virtual and real environments. Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. 2(1), pp.104-118.
- Chandrasekera, T. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2018). Augmented reality, virtual reality and their effect on learning style in the creative design process, Design and Technology Education, 23(1). pp 55-75
- Chandrasekera, T. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2018). The Effect of Augmented and Virtual Reality Interfaces In the Creative Design Process, International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality. 2(1). pp1- 13.
- Jang, J., Baek, E., Choo, H., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2018). Store Design: Visual Complexity and Consumer Responses, International Journal of Design. 12(2). pp105-118.
- Baek, E., Choo, H., Oh, H. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2017). How consumers “see” a visually warm store: Differences between affective and cognitive processors, Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 17(2). pp.149-160.
- Alawadhi, A. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2016). Shopping behavioral intentions contributed by store layout and perceived crowding: an exploratory study using computer walk-through simulation. 41(4), Journal of Interior Design. pp. 29-46.
- Sadeghi, R. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2016). Effects of detail and navigability on size perception in Virtual Environments, International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design. 10(3), pp.17-26.
- Yoon, S.-Y., Choi, Y. & Oh, H. (2015). User attributes in processing 3D VR-enabled showroom: gender, visual cognitive styles, and the sense of presence. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 82. pp. 1-10.
- Chandrasekera, T., D’Souza, N., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). Virtual Environments with soundscapes: a study on immersion and spatial abilities with wayfinding tasks. Environment and Planning B-Planning and Design. 42. pp. 1003-1019.
- Yoon, S.-Y. & Choo, H. (2015). Visual merchandising strategies for fashion retailers. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6(1). pp. 1 - 3.
- Chandrasekera, T., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). Adopting Augmented Reality in design communication. The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design. 9(10). pp. 1-14.
- Lee, H.-K., Yoon, S.-Y., Lee, J., Kim, H.., Kwon, H., Kang, H., Hur, H., Lee, M. & Jun, D. (2015). The effects of sale signs on consumer intentions to visit a store. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6 (1), pp. 20 - 32.
- Choo, H., Yoon, S.-Y., Jung, H., Jim, G., Shin, H., Kim, H., & Kim, H. (2015). An exploratory study on visual merchandising of an apparel store utilizing 3D technology. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 6(1), pp. 33 - 46.
- Lin, Y.-F., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). Exploring the effects of lighting on consumer responses in a retail environment using 3D walk-through animation. Archive of Design Research, 2(28). pp. 5-25.
- Choi, Y., Yang, S., & Yoon, S.-Y., (2014). The effect on Korean consumers’ brand preference, trust, purchase intention for donation amount information of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Fashion Business, 18(6). pp. 19-37.
- Alawadhi, A. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). Effects of store image on perceived product value. International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice. 7(3), pp. 31-52.
- Choi, Y. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). Neuroaesthetics: A review of the evidence on the importance of sensible design. Journal of Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility. 17(2). pp. 45-54.
- Hwang, J., Yoon, S.-Y., & Bendle, L., (2012). Desired privacy and the impact of crowding on customer emotions and approach-avoidance responses: Waiting in a Virtual Reality restaurant. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 24(2). pp. 224-250.
Referred Conference *Full Papers & Proceedings / Presentations: †undergrad. student, ‡grad student
- Yoon, S.-Y. & Gray, W. (2023). Effects of Work-from-Home Environments on Health and Job Performance: A Comparative Case Study of Knowledge Worker Experiences between Pre and during the COVID Pandemic. Environmental Design Research Association Annual Conference (EDR 54). Mexico City, June 20-23
- ‡Lee, S. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). Restorative Effects of Nature in a Virtual Environment on Creative Design Problem Solving Moderated By Individuals’ Field Dependency. EDRA54. Mexico City, June 20-23
- ‡Lee, J. & Yoon, S.-Y., (2023). Nature and Patient Wait Experience: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Thinking Style and Connectedness to Nature. EDRA54. Mexico City, June 20-23
- ‡Verdiguel, N. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). Exploring the Effect of Color in Biophilic Imagery on Restorativeness and Affect in Hospital Patient Rooms. EDRA54. Mexico City, June 20-23
- †Kozin, K., Morgen, S. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). The Shopping Experience of the Future: Tapping into Customer Brand Experience in Technology-Enhanced Retail Environments. Interior Design Educators Council Annual Conference (IDEC). Vancouver, Canada. March 8-11.
- ‡Verdiguel, N. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). Exploring the Roles of Entertainment and Usefulness via Phygital Design in Consumer Brand Attitude in Luxury Retail. IDEC. Vancouver, Canada. March 8-11.
- ‡Perez, J. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2023). Tech-driven Immersive Art Experience and Brand Perception in Experiential Retail Design. IDEC. Vancouver, Canada. March 8-11.
- ‡Law, M., ‡Lee, S., Yoon, S.-Y., & Hoffman, G. (2022). Comparing Physical Robots with Virtual Reality for Robot Design. Int. Workshop on Designerly Human-Robot Interaction, Reflecting on HRI practices through Annotated Portfolios of Robotic Artefacts, ACM/IEEE Int. Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. March 7.
- Yoon, S.-Y., & ‡Zhang, M. (2022). Community-Engaged Learning and Co-Designing: Working with Local Artists for a Library Café. IDEC. March 1-4.
- ‡Lee, S., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2022). Tiny Home Experiences using 3D VR Videos: Effects of gender and personality on perception. IDEC. March 1-4.
- Lee, J. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2021). The Influence of Individual and Cultural Differences on Patients’ Experiences with Biophilic Design. IDEC. March 1-4.
- ‡Lee, S., Lee, J. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2021). Impacts of Ceiling Height and Spatial Depth on Small Space Experiences: A Case Study of Tiny Homes Using VR Simulation. May 19-23, Detroit & Virtual, EDRA
- *Yoon, S.-Y. & Lee., J. (2021). It’s Finally Time for Real-time Photorealistic 3D Rendering: Pilot Studios - Lessons Learned and Factors to Consider. DCA2020 (Design Communication Association) Atlanta, Georgia. Oct. 21-24.
- Lee., J. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Positive Distractions with Biophilic Design in the ER Waiting Room: Empirical Study with Immersive VR Environments Using Self‐Reports and Eye‐Tracking. IAPS2020 (International Association People-Environment Studies) (virtual) Quebec City, Canada, June 21-26.
- †He, N. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Indoor Vegetation Effects on Perception of Time, Crowding, and Airport Anxiety. IAPS2020.
- †Rasamoely, K., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). A User Test Study on How Virtual Reality can bridge Culturally sensitive gaps in Disaster Preparedness Training, IAPS2020.
- ‡Lee, S., Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Cozy vs. Claustrophobic: Understanding the Effects of Space Volume and Viewer Traits on Small Space Experience with Interactive Real-Scale Simulation using Immersive VR Technology. IAPS2020.
- †Lee. G. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). When 'being green' is frowned upon: Different messages consumers see in luxurious vs. budget hotel environments. Virtual IDEC2020, Tulsa, OK, March 4-7.
- †Lee, J., Lee, H. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Towards optimizing the spatial arrangement of patient rooms for minimum nurse travel distance in a hospital unit, virtual EDRA2020, Tempe, AZ., April 4-7.
- †He, N. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Impact of Biophilic Elements on Airport Anxiety: A Pilot Study on Perception of Time and Crowding in an Immersive Virtual Airport, virtual EDRA2020.
- †Rasamoely, K. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2020). Immersive Conditioning: How Virtual Reality CAN Bridge Culturally Sensitive Gaps in Disaster Preparedness Training, virtual ERA2020.
- *†Kaan, Z. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2019). Understanding Customer Experience of Biophilic, Experiential Retail Design using Virtual Reality, IASDR2019 (International Association of Societies of Design Research), England, Sept. 4.
- †Herbstreit, B. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2019). Place-Making: Place Attachment Evaluation of Student Union Design Intervention Using Participatory Design, EDRA50.Brooklyn, NY. May 24.
- *†Mock, T., Wang, Yi., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2018). Parametric Intention: Embodying a Thorough Design Ideology, Design Communication Conference, Ithaca, NY. Oct. 10.
- *‡Law, M., Bang, H., Selva, D., Yoon, S.-Y. & Hoffman, G. (2018). Side-by-side Human-Computer Design using a Tangible User Interface. Design Computing and Cognition 18, Milan, Italy. July 2-3 [Best paper award]
- *‡Bang, H., Shi, Y., Yoon, S.-Y., Hoffman, G., & Selva, D. (2018). Exploring the Feature Space to Aid Learning in Design Space Exploration. Design Computing and Cognition 18, Milan, Italy. July 2-3.
- *‡Shi, Y., Bang, H., Hoffman, G., Selva, D., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2018). Cognitive style and field knowledge in complex design problem solving: A comparative case study of decision support systems. Design Computing and Cognition 18, Milan, Italy. July 2-3.
- †Herbstreit, B., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2018). Participatory Design as a Tool for User Experience Assessment and Spatial Programming: Evidence from a Student Activity Center. EDRA49 Oklahoma City, OK. June 6-9.
- Yoon, S.-Y. & ‡Lee, S. (2018). Rhythmic Space: Sound Reactive Projection Mapping for Interactive Environments. IDEC Annual Conf., Boston, MA. March 7-10.
- Yoon, S.-Y., Chung, S., & ‡Shi, Y. (2018). Well-designed for social well-being: A WELL certified office pre-post case study. IDEC Annual Conf., Boston, MA. March 7-10.
- *Mojtahedi, A., Yoon, S.-Y, Hosseini, T., & Martinez, D. (2017). Imaginative Data: Case study of work dynamics, 2017 Intersections between the academy and practice, AIA-ACSA conference, Orlando, FL. April 26.
- †Horst, J., & Yoon, S.-Y (2017). Forced Perspective Signs as Wayfinding Aids: Testing the usability of theme park scenarios using virtual reality technology. EDRA47 Madison, WI. May 31-June 3.
- †Han, S., & Yoon, S.-Y (2017). Collaborative Design Problem Solving in Different Seating Arrangements: Using Mixed Methods for Evaluating Student Perceptions and Performance. EDRA47 Madison, WI. May 31-June 3.
- ‡Akre, S., & Yoon, S.-Y (2017). Bringing Views of Nature into the Workplace: Can Artificial Windows Improve Worker Performance on Vigilance Tasks? EDRA47 Madison, WI. May 31-June 3.
- Yoon, S.-Y., & †Shi, Y. (2017). Beyond the Noise: tackling the meaning of noise and speech privacy among knowledge workers in the open office environment. 2017 Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Annual Conf., Chicago, IL. March 8-12.
- Yoon, S.-Y., Min, K., & Chun, H. (2017). The Impact of Noise on Customer Emotions and Repatronage Intentions in a Food Service Environment: A field study of a popular restaurant in a college town. IDEC Annual Conf., Chicago, IL. March 8-12.
- *‡Lee, S., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2016). Environmental Legibility and Wayfinding in Amorphous Spaces: A Comparison Study of Linear and Curvilinear Layouts in Virtual Environments. Design Communication Association (DCA) Biennial Conf., Bozeman, MT. Sept. 9.
- Yoon, S.-Y. & ‡Akre, S. (2016). Gender differences in psychophysiological and affective responses to designed environments: a pilot study, 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Orlando, FL. July 30.
- *‡Jang, J., Baek, E., Yoon, S.-Y., & Choo, H. (2016). Understanding the affective response of consumers to the visual complexity of a fashion store: A psychophysiological approach, 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Orlando, FL. July 30.
- Oh, H., Baek, E., Choo, H., Yoon, S.-Y., Janiszewski, C. (2015). How does lighting of stores interact with global versus local processing modes of shoppers in retail environments? American Marketing Association and American Collegiate Retailing Association (AMA/ACRA) Conference, Coral Gables, FL. March 4-7.
- Yoon, S.-Y., Hedge, A., Danko, S., Ying, H., & Bigalow, L., (2015). Forecasting performance of collaborative workplaces: case Studies to explore social sensing technology, EDRA46 Los Angeles, CA. May 27-30.
- Chandrasekera, T., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). The Effect of tangible user interfaces on cognitive load in the creative design process. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality – Media, Art, Social Science, Humanities and Design, Fukuoka, Japan. Sept. 29-Oct.3. pp. 6-8.
- Lee, Y.-R, Nam, K., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). Design characteristics of cultural spaces in traditional cultural areas using the concept of space marketing, EDRA 46, Los Angeles, CA. May 27-30.
- Chandrasekera, T. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). Virtuality to reality: Furniture designing through digital prototyping, IDEC Annual Conference, Fort Worth, TX. March 11-14.
- Eune, J. Ono, K., Fu, Z., Kim, Y., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). Workshop: Design approach for the development of metropolitan public transportation, CHI 2015: Int. Computer-Human Interface Con., Seoul, Korea, April 18-23.
- Yoon, S.-Y. & Park, N. (2015). Transforming the Visitor Center for Tourism in the Smartphone Era: Care study using a persona-based user-experience design approach, IDEC Annual Conf., Fort Worth, TX. March 11-14.
- Chandrasekera, T. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2015). Understanding the effect of tangible user interfaces on design creativity, 20th Annual Conf. on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Global Plaza, Korea. May 20-23.
- Chandrasekera, T. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). The effect of virtual reality and augmented reality in the design process, DCA Biennial Conf., California Polytechnic State University, Atlanta, GA. Oct. 2.
- Chandrasekera, T., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). Using augmented reality tools to enhance design creativity, IDEC Annual Conf., New Orleans, LA. May 28-31.
- Choi, Y. & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). Neuroaesthetics: A review of the evidence aimed at sensible design, 2014 Korean Society of Consumer Studies, Seoul, Korea. May 10.
- Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). An Enjoyable Journey from Digital to Analog: From Digital Sketching to Watercolor Painting, Creative Scholarship, IDEC Annual Conf., New Orleans, LA. March 7.
- Alawadhi, A., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2014). Display layout and perceived crowding: Examining the effects of interior design on customers’ perception of crowding in a retail environment, 2014 IDEC Annual Conf., New Orleans LA. March 6-9.
- Lin, Y.-F., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2013). Enhancing Atmospheric Effects: Exploring the Effects of Display Lighting on Consumers’ Psychological and Perceptional Reactions in a Retail Environment. EDRA 44. pp. 339. Providence RI, May 29-June 2.
- *Chandrasekera, T., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2013). An augmented reality-based spatially related navigation system for internal navigation of healthcare environments. EDRA 44. pp. 244-245. Providence RI, May 29-June 2.
- *Chandrasekera, T., D’Souza, N., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2013). Soundscapes in immersive Virtual Environments. Int. Symposium on Affective Engineering (ISAE2013). Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 341-350. March 6-8.
- *Yoon, S.-Y., & Kim, D. (2013). Experiencing Color Environments by Different Age Groups: Tapping into the Potentials of VR Simulation. ISAE2013. Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 193-198. March 6-8.
- Yoon, S.-Y., & Wise, K. (2013). Reading the Mind and Body Responding to Color Environments: Computer Simulations with Self-Reports and Physiological Signals. IDEC Annual Conf., pp. 694-695. Indianapolis, IN. Feb. 17-19.
- Lin, Y.-F., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2013). Exploring the Effects of Display Lighting in a Retail Environment, IDEC Annual Conf., pp. 364-366, Indianapolis, IN. Feb. 17- 19.
- Chandrasekera, T., Yoon, S.-Y., & Balakrishnan, B. (2012). Digital orthographic projections in architectural representation: Augmented Reality based Learning, DCA Biannual Conf., Stillwater, OK. Oct. 21-24.
- Balakrishnan, B., Oprean, D., & Yoon, S.-Y. (2012). Analog to digital: affordable image based 3D modeling and motion capture for architectural design and evaluation, DCA Biannual Conf. Stillwater, OK. Oct. 21-24.
Professional Design & Development Projects
Founder, DUX Design Consulting, LLC, est. 2014.
Activities in Professional Organizations
President, Design Communication Association, 2018-2020
Conference Chair, 2018 International Design Communication Conference 2018
Editor, the proceedings of the 2018 International Design Communication Conference 2018
Associate Editor, Korean Society of Emotion and Sensibility. 2018
Editorial board member, Korean Society of Emotion and Sensibility. 2015-2017
Guest Editor, Special Issue of the Journal of Global Fashion Marketing (JGFM) on Fashion Visual Merchandising. 2013-2014
Educator Partner, American Society of Interior Designers. 2013-present.
National Council for Interior Design Certification (NCIDQ: 021944 – US & Canada), 2006
Korean National License for Interior Designers (93203030219N), 1993
Korean National License for Engineer Architecture (93204030684P), 1993
Cornell Center for Arts Grant Committee
AAP Adhoc Faculty Advisory Committee on Tenure Appointments, College of Human Ecology
Faculty Advisory Board for IT, Human Ecology
CAD Committee , College of Human Ecology
Faculty advisor, Cornell University Sustainable Design
2004, Ph.D., Information Science and Technologies, University of Missouri-Columbia
1998, M.A., Environmental Design, University of Missouri-Columbia
1995, M.HE., Housing & Interior Design, Pusan National University, Korea
1993, B.HE., Housing & Interior Design, Pusan National University, Korea