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Summer Research Stipends for Undergraduates

The College of Human Ecology provides a limited number of $6,000 stipends to CHE undergraduates who will be involved in full-time summer research with a CHE faculty member. Both the student and the faculty member must be in CHE.
Students and their faculty mentors must both submit applications. Students should work with faculty members in preparing the 2-3 page proposal that is required as part of the application.
Student eligibility and responsibilities
All currently enrolled - spring 2025 - CHE students may apply provided that they have a CHE faculty research advisor, are enrolled full-time, are in good academic standing, and will be continuing as CHE undergraduate students in the fall semester. Students must be available for a full-time, 8-week summer research position. Simultaneous enrollment in courses is not permitted. Students must submit either weekly reflections or short reports at the end of the research experience. In addition, students often participate in a short presentation at the end of the summer, time to be announced.
Faculty responsibilities
Faculty members must review and approve the student’s application proposal before the student submits it and also submit a separate faculty application. Faculty members must provide on-site supervision during the student’s 8-week summer research experience.
Application deadlines
The priority deadline for 2025 applications is Friday, February 21st at 5:00pm.
Applications received after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis pending availability of funding. We will update this webpage to share if we no longer are able to fund additional applications.
Instructions for Students
Instructions for Students
Human Ecology students who will participate in research with Human Ecology faculty members in the summer of 2025 are invited to apply for a limited number of $6000 stipends. Students and faculty members must apply jointly. The selection process is competitive. The stipend provides for the student’s own support while completing 8 weeks of full-time research supervised by a Human Ecology faculty member. Concurrent enrollment in summer courses is not permitted.
Applicants must be:
- enrolled as full-time students in Human Ecology in the Spring 2025 term
- be in good academic standing
- be continuing as full-time Human Ecology undergraduate students in the Fall 2025 term
The following students are not eligible to apply:
- students enrolled in other colleges or in the Brooks School of Public Policy
- students whose research will be supervised by a faculty member in another college or in the Brooks School of Public Policy
- students who have previously received a Human Ecology funded summer stipend
The number of awards varies each year depending upon available funding from different sources. Some funding sources specify the qualifications of the student applicant (e.g. major, state of residence, eligibility for employment), topic of the project, and/or qualifications of the faculty research mentor (e.g. department or other funding sources). The College will try to fund as many qualified applicants as possible.
In awarding stipends to qualified applicants, consideration is first given to the quality of the proposal, the endorsement and commitment of the faculty mentor, and the proposal’s match with requirements of the funding sources. Among the other considerations are the student’s past and future involvement in the project, relevance of research activity to student’s academic goals and career plans, student’s graduation year, student’s other support for undergraduate research, and the distribution of awards across Human Ecology faculty members.
Students should complete the online application and provide the other materials as directed on the student application instructions. Note if the project can be conducted remotely if needed.
Priority deadline: Friday, February 21, 2025 at 5:00pm.
Student electronic submission
Students should work with their faculty mentor to prepare the 2-3 page proposal, and the faculty member should approve the proposal before it is submitted. The faculty member needs to submit a separate application to the faculty online submission form faculty online submission form by the deadline.
Applications received after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis pending availability of funding. We will update this webpage to share if we are no longer able to fund additional applications.
- Student information and background questions
- Proposal (about 2-3 pages) written for academic reviewer outside your field that provides the following information:
- Project title
- Objectives and significance
- Brief review of literature
- Methodology (provide detail adequate to evaluate quality and probability of completion; indicate status of any necessary compliance trainings or approvals - e.g. IRB - to proceed with the work.)
- Timeline and current stage of research
- Budget and funding sources for research project expenses (other than the stipend)
- Personal statement (not to exceed 1 page) articulating how the research project relates to your academic goals and career plans. Indicate your prior experiences in research and if the summer research is related to an honors project.
- Unofficial copy of Cornell transcript
- Do you now have or have you previously received a financial award (such as a stipend, fellowship, grant, or financial aid) from Cornell for your own support to conduct research while an undergraduate student? You do not need to report paid employment. If yes, please describe the source, date, and amount of this award.
- Resumé
Instructions for Faculty
Instructions for Faculty
Human Ecology students who will participate in research with Human Ecology faculty members in the summer of 2025 are invited to apply for a limited number of $6000 stipends. Students and faculty members must apply jointly. The selection process is competitive. The stipend provides for the student’s own support while completing 8 weeks of full-time research supervised by a Human Ecology faculty member. Concurrent enrollment in summer courses is not permitted.
Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in Human Ecology in the Spring 2025 term and be in good academic standing. They must also be continuing as full-time Human Ecology undergraduate students in the Fall 2025 term, though they may be studying in one of Cornell’s off-campus off programs. The following students are not eligible to apply: students enrolled in other colleges or in the Brooks School of Public Policy, Human Ecology students whose research will be supervised by a faculty member in another college or in the Brooks School of Public Policy, and students who have previously received a Human Ecology funded summer stipend.
The number of awards varies each year depending upon available funding from different sources. Some funding sources specify the qualifications of the student applicant (e.g., major, state of residence, eligibility for employment), topic of the project, and/or qualifications of the faculty research mentor (e.g., department or other funding sources). The College will try to fund as many qualified applicants as possible.
In awarding stipends to qualified applicants, consideration is first given to the quality of the proposal, the endorsement and commitment of the faculty mentor, and the proposal’s match with requirements of the funding sources. Among the other considerations are the student’s past and future involvement in the project, relevance of research activity to student’s academic goals and career plans, student’s graduation year, student’s other support for undergraduate research, and the distribution of awards across Human Ecology faculty members.
The application is confidential and will not be shared with the student.
The application questions below are for reference only. Please submit your responses using the online faculty application.
Students should complete the online student application and provide the other materials as directed on the student application instructions.
Are you the PI for an active Hatch Project? (YES or NO)
If YES, what is the title of the project?
Student name and project title.
Can the student project be conducted remotely if needed? (YES or NO)
Answer the following questions and provide your signature on the online form to indicate your commitment and endorsement of the student’s application.
I enthusiastically endorse this student’s application. It is a high quality project that is feasible for this student to complete in an 8-week summer research experience.
NO |
Other than the student’s stipend, I will provide the funding, accesses, permissions, and any other resources that are necessary to complete the project as planned.
NO |
I will be responsible for assuring that the student and the project meet all University compliance requirements, such as for travel, IRB, safety, animal use, etc.
NO |
I will mentor this student directly and provide supervision for the full time, 8-week experience
NO |
________________________________________________________ __________________
Faculty signature Date
Please answer the following six (6) questions about the student and the proposed project:
- Is this student currently working with you?
- If YES, please briefly describe the nature of this student’s work and comment on his/her stage of development in research, such as research skills and intellectual contributions.
- If NO, please explain how you know this student and why you feel that they would be a strong undergraduate researcher.
- How does the proposed project relate to your own work? Describe the student’s intellectual involvement in the proposed project.
- Is this student interested in pursuing an honors program? If yes, are you likely to become the thesis advisor?
- How does this student compare with other undergraduate researchers you have mentored in terms of promise and performance in research?
- Briefly describe how you will directly mentor the student and provide supervision for his/her work during the 8-week full-time research experience.
- OPTIONAL. Please add any other information that you think would help us evaluate this student’s application.