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Career Development

Human Ecology provides a strong liberal arts foundation that supports career-specific preparation in a small-college environment with the resources and benefits of an Ivy League institution. Professional counselors help students identify their interests and strengths through academic coursework, experiential learning, and professional opportunities.
Career Exploration
Exploring careers is an on-going process. As students engage in courses and experiences, their aspirations change and develop. Professional career counselors are ready to walk them through the process, and peer advisors can help them access a wealth of college and university resources.
Schedule an appointment with the Office of Student & Career Development to discuss any plans or questions you have related to your academic, personal, or professional goals.
You must include your full name and use your Cornell email address when scheduling your appointment or it will be cancelled.
All advising appointments are in-person in MVR 1210. Zoom meetings are limited and based on advisor availability. If you wish to see if a Zoom option is available for your scheduled appointment time, please e-mail us. You are expected to attend your appointment in-person unless you receive a confirmation for a Zoom meeting.
Please review the remote vs in person schedules for our advisors. If you have an appointment on a day they are listed as remote, your meeting will be via Zoom.
- Verdene Lee remote: Monday and Friday
- Deanne Maxwell remote: Friday
- Shaun Gendrue remote: Monday
- Amanda Gonzalez remote: Monday and Tuesday
For questions regarding financial aid, be sure to make an appointment with the Financial Aid office. Please follow the instructions within the scheduling website.
Our office may be reached by e-mailing or by calling 607-255-2532
Counselors help students understand the connection between their academic life and personal career goals, and assist them in identifying valuable resources. It is most helpful to speak with a counselor early in one’s academic career.
Career counselors also help students prepare for graduate or professional school; develop personal statements; search for experiential learning opportunities including externships and internships; and develop job search strategies, such as job interviewing and marketing a Human Ecology education to employers.
Get Started
Career assessment tools can systematically guide you in assessing interests, values, and abilities.
The Career Development Toolkit is an award-winning career resource consisting of a set of modules in Canvas ranging from Career Exploration, to Resume and Cover Letter to Industry Specific modules. A module consists of a series of ordered pages with built-in career-related interactive activities. Current students have been enrolled and should see this in their Canvas courses, but you can also sign in with your NetID and password and self-enroll. Alumni who had access to Canvas before, you’ll first have to request Canvas access and then self-enroll. Faculty and Staff can self-enroll as a "student" user or contact if you would like ideas for how to incorporate Canvas into your course.
The Career Exploration Guide is an excellent workbook to help you explore your interests, skills, strengths, values, and career options. Copies are available in the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center.
Human Ecology's Career Exploration Center provides a friendly environment for students to explore and pursue their career goals with the help of trained student career assistants. All students are welcomed to come anytime during opening hours to receive a walk-in resume critique, explore the different off-campus academic opportunities, read a book from our rich library collection, or take advantage of the numerous other services.
Check out the Career Exploration Center (CEC) Site!
Hours: 10:00am - 4:00pm (Monday - Thursday) 10:00am - 2:00pm (Friday)
Location: 1203 MVR Hall
Career Essentials
There are certain tools and skills that are essential to your career exploration and job search. Career counselors in Human Ecology provide individual counseling appointments and comprehensive, interactive workshops. Stop by the office in 1210 MVR Hall to schedule an appointment or contact our office at (607) 255-2532. Check the Human Ecology calendar for time, date, and location of workshops.
Create a Powerful Resume
- An effective resume is essential, whether you are seeking an internship, summer job, volunteer work, or permanent position. It will also be required for admission to many graduate programs.
- Most resumes should be limited to one page and contain concise summaries of your education, relevant coursework, experiences, and skills. Easy-to-read formats and error-free texts are critical.
- Prepare a draft by using the counseling and library resources in Human Ecology's Career Exploration Center (CEC), where you will find many sample resumes organized by major.
- Refer to resume information and examples in the Career Development Toolkit Resume module.
- Resumes can be critiqued by a career assistant in the CEC on a drop-in basis.
- For further assistance, schedule an appointment with a professional career counselor in the Career Development Office
Write an Effective Cover Letter
- Cover letters should always accompany resumes unless otherwise indicated. They introduce you to the prospective employer and help target your resume for the position desired.
- Some cover letters are written for specific job openings, while others are used to explore employment opportunities in an organization.
- Cover letters should be concise and error-free.
- Visit the CEC to grab a copy of our cover letter guide as well as review cover letter samples. Also, check the Career Development Toolkit Cover Letters module.
Visit Cornell Career Services Media Library for previously recorded workshops and presentations on these topics.
Interviewing practice is essential prior to your actual interview, whether it is for a job, internship, or graduate school.
Human Ecology counselors offer interview workshops every academic semester. We will guide you through the process and provide important tips and strategies for effective verbal communication (check the Human Ecology calendar). You can also access additional tips and resources on the Career Development Toolkit Interviewing module.
Practice interviews are offered in the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center, 1203 MVR. You must sign up two days prior to your practice interview. Career Assistants will present questions relevant to the type of employment you are seeking, and will critique your responses and overall interview style. Videotaped sessions are available if you desire visual feedback.
Before your actual employer interview, make sure you:
- research the organization carefully
- have a list of questions ready
- are prepared to give examples of situations where you showed initiative, leadership, and/or teamwork
- are prepared to talk about your problem-solving skills, adaptability to new environments, ability to relate to diverse populations, knowledge of their company and industry, and enthusiasm for the position. You can use past job, volunteer, or classroom experiences to demonstrate your skills.
- arrive at the interview at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time and bring a copy of your current resume and other relevant materials, such as writing samples or portfolios. Dress appropriately.
Visit Cornell Career Services Media Library for previously recorded workshops and presentations on this topic
Networking continues to be the most effective way of finding a job or internship, and of advancing your professional career. Many Cornell students cite networking as their primary method of obtaining a job. It is reported that 80% of jobs and 90% of summer internships are never advertised. Most employers prefer informal methods of identifying employees and circulating information about available positions.
CUeLINKS, pronounced “see-you-e-links”, is a university-wide online networking platform where you can connect with Cornell alumni, your peers, faculty/staff and friends of Cornell to explore and achieve your academic, career, and personal goals. As a Knowledge seeker (student), you can connect with Knowledge sharers (alumni or peers) to share information on topics from career exploration, the student experience, job search strategies, workplace experiences and more!
Cornell Handshake
Many opportunities listed in Cornell Handshake, provide the option to connect with peers, or company representatives who are interested in offering career advice and insight from personal experience. Etiquette in using this network is similar to that used for LinkedIn or CUeLINKS.
Visit Cornell Career Services for more information.
Informational interviews are an excellent way to explore career fields or organizations of interest to you. For the most part, people enjoy talking about themselves to an enthusiastic and curious listener.
Alumni from the CUeLINKS databases have volunteered to speak with students and are valuable resources for informational interviews. Unlike a job interview, an informational interview should be a low-stress situation where you decide whom to interview, what questions to ask, and how to evaluate what you learn.
Be prepared before your start your conversation. Decide what you hope to learn. You are creating a relationship so remember to listen well and engage your contact in a friendly manner. Always follow up with a thank you message.
The Canvas Module on Networking will help you develop your informational interviewing skills. The following questions offer helpful suggestions, but modify your interview to suit your needs.
Suggested Questions for Informational Interviews
- How did you decide to enter this field?
- What do you like most about your work? Least?
- What education or training is necessary for this type of work?
- Do you have an advanced degree? Is one required in this field?
- Is the field changing? In what ways?
- What are the greatest challenges you face in the job/organization?
- Are internships, volunteering, or other experiences helpful to getting a job in this field?
- What are the entry-level opportunities in this field? How can I learn about openings?
- What do you consider to be the growth areas in the field?
- What are some related careers I might consider?
- What is a typical career path in your life of work within this organization?
- What formal or on-the-job training does your organization provide?
- Considering my skills, interest, and academic background, where might you see me fitting into this organization or a similar one?
- Generally, what is the work environment like here?
- How many hours do people work in a typical week?
- What obligations does your job place upon you outside the normal work week?
- How much flexibility do you have in terms of dress, hours of work, and vacation schedule?
- If you were back in college, would you do anything differently in terms of coursework or summer experiences?
- If you were just coming out of college and looking for this kind of work, how would you conduct your job search?
- Can you suggest others whom I could speak with about this field? May I use your name when I contact them? Should I make contact by email, phone, or letter?
Event |
Time and Location |
International Experience Information Session | Wednesday, January 22 @ 4:30 pm, 1153 MVR |
Creating a Powerful Résumé | Thursday, January 23 @ 4:30 pm, 1203 MVR |
Job and Internship Search Strategies | Monday, January 27 @ 4:30 pm, 1203 MVR |
AlphaSights Recruiting with Nicole Werner, HD '20 |
Wednesday, January 29 @ 4:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 996 6050 8368 |
Creating a Compelling Cover Letter | Thursday, January 30 @ 4:30 pm, 1203 MVR |
Young Alumni Series with Rui Maki, GPHS ’20 & MS '22, Information Systems with a Healthcare Technology Concentration, Cornell Tech & Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Founder, Truffle Health |
Friday, January 31 @ 12:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 945 6250 4576 |
Get the Job (or Internship)! Practice Interview Workshop | Monday, February 10 @ 4:30 pm, 1203 MVR |
How to Network for Internships and Research Lab Positions | Friday, February 21 @ 2:00 pm, 1203 MVR |
Intro to Non-Clinical Health Careers | Wednesday, February 26 @ 4:30 pm, 1203 MVR |
Young Alumni Series with Jessica Zand, HD '22, Associate, Rockefeller Capital Management |
Friday, February 28 @ 12:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 916 2398 1785 |
Careers in Psychology and Social Work Panel |
Wednesday, March 5 @ 4:30 pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 987 5317 7002 |
Navigating My First Internship | Wednesday, March 12 @ 4:30 pm, 1203 MVR |
Jobs and Internships
Internships and experiential learning opportunities are a vital part of the job-search process. Human Ecology provides a number of popular internship programs that combine field experience with and academic coursework. Cornell also has an extensive on-campus recruiting program. Professional counselors help students develop life-long strategies to successfully navigate the job market.
- Summer is an important time for Human Ecology students to gain valuable and sustained career experience and exposure. Most opportunities are found through early preparation and networking. Internship workshops are offered throughout the year in the College of Human Ecology Career and through Cornell Career Services. Check the College of Human Ecology semester events calendar and Handshake for details
- Off-Campus Study Programs occur during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students gain internship experience and also earn academic credits. If you plan to participate in one of these programs, it is important to speak with your academic advisors in order to plan your schedules accordingly.
For specific internship information by department, check out the Human Ecology internship guides. They contain job listings, industry websites, and other resources, including a list of selected career outcomes per major. Copies of these guides are available in the Career Exploration Center, 1203 MVR
Cornell Handshake provides access to essential Cornell Career Services resources.
On Campus Recruiting
Students who wish to participate in Cornell’s on-campus recruiting program for jobs or internships must take the proper steps to use the system successfully. Please note that this is only one of many ways that students find internships and jobs after they graduate. Many companies who recruit on campus are large organizations with the finances and resources to visit universities in this fashion. It is important for students to develop additional strategies to supplement their job search.
Important components of the OCR program are company presentations. Some presentations are open to all students while others are limited to those who have been pre-selected to interview with the company. If the presentation is open to the public, you are encouraged to attend. These sessions offer excellent opportunities to learn about various industries and to prepare you for future recruiting opportunities.
Networking through personal and family contacts, faculty connections, peers, and alumni is one of the most effective ways to find a job and to advance your professional career.
Career Fairs
Cornell Career Services (CCS) sponsors an annual two-day career fair in September that hosts approximately 200 employers, and other fairs in the spring including career fairs hosted by individual colleges, but open to all Cornell students. Cornell Career Fairs.
Human Ecology offers workshops every semester to help students prepare for career fairs, including the presentation of important tips and individual resume critiques.
As you navigate the internship and full-time job process, you likely have questions about salary. The Career Development Toolkit: Job Offers is a great resource as you are considering multiple factors before you accept a job offer and/or sign a contract. The Career Service Office is always a resource to help you answer questions during this process and we encourage you to schedule a time to meet either with Human Ecology Office of Student and Career Development, or with Cornell Career Services.
Graduate and Professional Schools
Thirty-five to forty percent of Human Ecology students continue their education in professional or graduate programs immediately upon graduation. Others choose to take time off before pursuing further degrees.
Applying to graduate school is similar to applying for an undergraduate degree at Cornell. In addition to the basic application however, some graduate schools require field experience, others require research, while still others evaluate candidates based solely on previous academic achievement.
Students are strongly encouraged to work with Human Ecology faculty advisors and career counselors, and to use the resources in the Career Exploration Center, 1203 MVR. Because graduate school is very specialized, it is essential to evaluate thoroughly one’s interests and goals before applying.
Human Ecology offers a distinctive undergraduate education for students interested in human health and medicine. You can explore human healthcare needs from perspectives in nutrition and human biology, human development, economic and public policy, and design and technology. All seven major fields provide excellent preparations for all health professional schools, including medical and dental schools.
Choosing majors and courses
A Human Ecology education and your choice of major will distinguish you among your peers as you pursue your health interests. The College’s focus on environmental factors that influence health, systemic barriers to health access, equitable health practices, and socio-cultural awareness of treatment and outcomes will inform and shape your health education and experiences. Your choice of major will add depth and dimension to your understanding of the myriad challenges and discoveries in health exploration and practice. The core competencies of the medical and health professions build on these principles. The Human Ecology advising and counseling team is prepared to help you create relevant experiences, reflect on your course choices, and review your academic progress and development to be well-prepared to pursue your short- and long-term goals.
While Human Ecology offers degree programs that include commonly required pre-health courses, it is important for you to choose a major that best suits your interests. Graduates of Cornell are accepted to medical and dental schools at the same rate, regardless of their major in the physical or social sciences, if they complete the required courses in introductory biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Meeting with pre-health advisors and faculty advisors can ensure you are well-informed about the options you have in choosing your major and completing your requirements.
Current undergraduate students can contact the Human Ecology Office of Student and Career Development to schedule an appointment with a Pre-health and Academic Advisor.
Online: Microsoft Bookings
Phone: 607-255-2532
In-Person: 1210 MVR
In addition to the pre-health and advising resources provided by the Human Ecology Office of Student and Career Development, you can also access the University-Wide Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC). Both offices provide services to assist you along your journey into your chosen health profession.
The most current information for U.S. and Canadian dental schools can be found in the ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools. Copies can be found in Human Ecology's Career Exploration Center (CEC) in 1203 MVR and the Cornell Career Services library in 103 Barnes Hall.
Gaining Clinical Experience
Gaining clinical experiences through internships and externships are the best ways to test an interest in medicine and the allied health careers. Clinical experience for acceptance into medical school.
Clinical experience examples include:
- Secure an internship at a hospital, clinic, health center, or physician's office by networking.
- Check internship postings in Cornell Handshake.
- Participate in an off-campus study program during an academic semester, summer, or winter session.
- Read the postings each week in Communecology, the Human Ecology weekly newsletter
- Check weekly postings in the Career Exploration Center.
- Connect with alumni and peers in CUeLINKS to learn more about their experiences and how they gained exposure to healthcare.
- Join Human Ecology's student organizations.
- Speak with your faculty advisor or Human Ecology's premed advisor and career counselors.
The College also sponsors a prominent and well-respected student-run premed/predent/prehealth organization called the Pre-Professional Association Toward Careers in Health (PATCH). Students can network with classmates and alumni, receive valuable academic and pre-health advising, get connected with college and university health-related resources, visit a medical school, get a peer mentor, and more!
Conducting Research
Students who enjoy research are encouraged to pursue their interests. Exploration in the social or physical sciences is positively valued by medical schools but students can conduct research in any area of interest. Independent research offers an excellent opportunity to form valuable connections with a faculty member. However, unless students are pursuing an MD/PhD, research is not required for the medical school application process and should not take priority over clinical (patient-focused experiences in a healthcare setting), community service, and leadership experiences. The Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) in your major can assist you in identifying appropriate research opportunities.
The timing of your application to the health professional school of your choice can depend on many variables and it is important to discuss your timeline and application materials with a pre-health advisor. The Pre-Health Guide in Canvas can assist you in guided self-evaluation and act as a supplement to a conversation with your pre-health advisor. This includes the process to gather letters of recommendation through a Cornell-affiliated PrivateFolio account. The formal Canvas course and self-evaluation process begin during the fall semester preceding the submission of an application.
Transfer Students
Transfer students should meet with a Human Ecology pre-health advisor upon matriculation to the College to create a graduation plan in conjunction with the requirements for their major, transfer credits, and interest in a health profession. Understanding your competitiveness and deciding when to apply to medical school depends on individual circumstances and should be discussed with a Human Ecology pre-health advisor.
Helpful Resources
CEC Guidebooks
Pre-Health Post Baccalaureate Guide
Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Guide
HPAC Quick Links
Explore the Health Professions
Pre-Health Guide/Canvas Course
Other Resources and Tools
Home |
Medical School Admission Requirements (
Health-Related Postbaccalaureate Programs (
Law schools do not require a core curriculum of courses. However, you are encouraged to take courses that increase skill in communication, writing, and analytical thinking. Human Ecology students interested in pursuing a legal education should schedule an appointment to meet with the pre-law advisor in the Student and Career Development Office, Academic Surge A, Room 125.
Tips for Pre-law Students
- Connect early! Discuss your goals with your academic advisor, talk to peers and faculty, and find out about unique opportunities to build on your strengths and interests.
- Schedule an appointment with the pre-law advisor to discuss the law school application process and the undergraduate pre-law experience in Human Ecology.
- Broaden your knowledge by attending pre-law events and programs on campus.
- Consider joining one of Cornell's pre-law student organizations which include: Minority Undergraduate Law Society (MULS), Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) Pre-Law Fraternity.
- Increase skills in reading and writing through academic and extracurricular activities.
Links to Pre-law Information
- Career Development Toolkit: Pre-Law
- Cornell Career Services resources
- The Law School Admission Council
- The American Bar Association
- CLEO, Council on Legal Education Opportunity
Understanding the role of business in a global society and the factors that influence consumer behavior and decision making are essential in today’s markets. Along with traditional skills, Human Ecology students are taught to analyze problems, see possibilities, and develop solutions without losing sight of the human component. More than 50% of Human Ecology graduates find employment in the business sector.
Because the field of “business” is broad, one must be broadly prepared, tested and informed. While there is no structured curriculum or singularly relevant experiences for a career in business, being thoughtful about the choices you make and the experiences you create is important.
Understanding what role you would like to play and talents you have to contribute should focus your efforts. Business can mean: human resources, facilities and real estate, project design and management, product development, consulting/ advising, investment, market management, global wealth and more. All require an awareness of opportunity, an understanding of how decisions are made and their impact, whole systems and analytical thinking, precision and strong communications skills.
Students can choose from seven majors in the college, all which build on a strong liberal arts foundation. At the same time, students complete core courses in their major with an emphasis on economics and public policy, human development, nutrition and health, or design and technology. They also have the flexibility to take business classes from across the university.
The Sloan Program in Health Administration which is housed in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management (PAM) offers a Master of Health Administration (MHA), a dual degree MHA/MBA with Johnson at Cornell, an accelerated 5-year BA/BS + MHA, and access to extraordinary Cornell programs such as hotel management, labor relations and law. The Sloan Program prepares professionals for leadership positions throughout the health care industry.
For more details on Human Ecology career opportunities in business, visit the Career Exploration Center and site to pick up a fact sheet of detailed information, to review our related library offerings to support your exploration and search, and to understand the variety of interviewing techniques that can help you be competitive and successful.
Human Ecology students interested in design careers understand the impact that design has on how we interact with materials and everyday objects, and perform within spaces. Beyond problem-solving, our students use planning, resource management, changing technologies, and the strategic use of creativity to transform society.
Those students wishing to complete postgraduate work in design typically pursue a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree, which is generally the terminal degree in the field. Areas of study include the visual arts, theater, and filmmaking.
The Department of Design + Environmental Analysis (DEA) focuses on the creation, management and research innovation in the built environment. Students often pursue graduate work in architecture, business, real estate, engineering and strategic planning. The department also houses a rich resource center.
The Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design (FSAD) is a design-centered program in fashion design, technical apparel, fashion design management, and fiber engineering and chemistry. Graduates find diverse work within the industry--design, sales, manufacturing and product development, buying /planning, writing/editing, upper-level management—and beyond.
Human Ecology’s Career Exploration Center has a rich collection of sample resumes and portfolios as well as an extensive collection of books related to the field.
Graduate study allows students to deepen existing knowledge and expand professional skills. Human Ecology students pursue a variety of professional and graduate school options including:
- business
- medicine
- policy and law
- clinical psychology
- design
- nutrition and health
- public health
- human services
- education
In considering graduate school and assessing options, students are strongly encouraged to:
- talk with their faculty advisors
- Schedule an appointment to meet with a career development counselor.
- visit the Career Exploration Center in 1203 MVR.
Visit Cornell Career Services graduate study for more information.
Employer Information
Cornell is a large and diverse university comprised of seven undergraduate colleges and several graduate and professional schools. Employers can meet and recruit students in several ways.
-They can work with the individual colleges to target students from specialized majors or with specialized interests.
-They can work with Cornell Career Services (CCS), the university-wide career office that provides access to students from all majors and colleges.
-They can set up schedules with both individual colleges and Cornell Career Services.
Human Ecology is a unique college within Cornell that houses premier academic programs in the natural and social sciences, as well as in design and technology. It provides students with a strong liberal arts foundation that supports career-specific preparation in a small-college environment, utilizing the resources of a comprehensive Ivy League institution.
Human Ecology's Office of Career Development provides employers with the same personal and individualized attention that is given to our students. We assist employers in creating productive relationships with college faculty and students. Employer presentations in classrooms offer excellent venues for companies to increase their visibility and educate highly talented students about opportunities in their organizations.
Contact Human Ecology's Office of Student and Career Development at 607-255-2532 or by e-mailing to:
- schedule a visit to talk with faculty and counselors about Human Ecology programs, majors and students,
- recruit students for internships or permanent positions
- post your positions in Human Ecology's weekly electronic newsletter
Human Ecology graduates are prepared for careers in business and management, medicine and health, law and public policy, and design and technology. Check our Postgraduate Surveys for detailed information.
Employers can meet and recruit students from all colleges through resources provided by Cornell Career Services employers including:
- Career fairs
- Online postings
- On-campus recruiting
Resources for Alumni
Resources for Alumni
- Professional counselors provide career assistance, job-search advice, and critiques of resumes and cover letters. In some cases, alumni may wish to return to school and pursue careers in medicine, law, or other graduate studies. Our counselors can help you prepare for these transitions. To schedule an appointment, call (607) 255-2532.
- Cornell Career Services also provides many valuable resources to alumni from all colleges. Alumni may request career assistance, network with fellow alumni, provide career-related opportunities to current students, or hire experienced Cornellians.
- Volunteer through Cornell Career Services for their shadowing programs, informational interviewing database, and more.
- Participate in the annual career forum and workshop sponsored by the Association for Students of Color (ASC). For details, call (607) 255-2532.
- Provide internships for Human Ecology students. Work with career counselors to develop internship descriptions and promote recruitment through faculty and academic departments. Call 607-255-2532.
- Provide externships for current students to shadow alumni in their work place setting through Cornell's Job Shadowing Programs.
- Hire or encourage your employer to hire Cornellians for summer or full-time positions through Cornell Career Services~posting.