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Requirements and Policies

See the Human Ecology Credit Requirements in the Courses of Study for complete details. To view this section online, click the following link and scroll down to Graduation Requirements.
Course Distribution Directions - Course distributions are groups of courses categorized by course content. Some requirements on your Curriculum Sheet direct you to choose courses with a specific distribution. This is common for Humanities or Additional Credit requirements, depending on your major.
See Curriculum Sheets for departmental requirements.
Requirements and Policies
Requirements and Policies
Those who do not fulfill the policy requirements below will be referred to the Committee on Academic Status (CAS) and may face penalization.
All Students:
- Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits of academic coursework each semester (excluding non-academic courses such as PE or academic support classes i.e. CHEM 1007). An incomplete or failing grade that results in completing fewer than 12 credits by the end of the Fall or Spring semester is a violation of this policy.
- Students must complete 2 First-Year Writing Seminars (FWS) during their first two semesters in Cornell Human Ecology (if not previously completed). These seminars will not be approved for In Absentia study.
Students entering Human Ecology on or after August 2024:
- Students must complete a minimum of 45 Human Ecology credits from College Distribution, Major Requirements and electives.
- Students must enroll in a minimum of one 3-credit course in Human Ecology with course codes: DEA, FSAD, HD, NS, or PUBPOL each semester for their first four semesters - excluding winter and summer sessions. First Year Writing Seminars (FWS) with these course codes do not count towards this requirement.
- Students must earn 11 credits in Human Ecology departments outside their major department:
- First Year Writing Seminars do not count towards this requirement.
- “HE” prefix courses below the 1500 level do not count towards this requirement.
- Statistics and Research Methods courses (PUBPOL 2100, PUBPOL 3120, DEA 3550, HD 2830) do not count towards this requirement.
- Special Studies courses (4000 Independent Study, 4010 Research, 4020 Supervised Fieldwork, and 4030 Teaching Apprenticeship) do not count towards this requirement.
- Students must complete the following three Human Ecology Courses:
- HE 1800 Blazing Your Trail in Human Ecology (1 credit, S/U) - must be completed in first fall semester, required for all incoming new students to Cornell, optional for internal transfer students
- HE 1850 Introduction to Human Ecology (1 credit, Graded) - must be completed in first spring semester, required for all new Cornell Human Ecology students, including both internal and external transfer students
- HE 2000 Human Ecology: Pathways to Racial and Social Justice (3 credits, Graded) - must be completed in second fall semester, required for all new Cornell Human Ecology students, including both internal and external transfer students (internal transfer students entering in Fall 2024 may submit a course substitution petition to satisfy this requirement with a DEI course previously completed in another Cornell college).
Students who matriculated to Human Ecology prior to August 2024:
- Students must complete a minimum of 43 Human Ecology credits from College Distribution, Major Requirements and electives.
- Students must enroll in a minimum of one 3-credit course in Human Ecology with course codes: DEA, FSAD, HD, NS, or PUBPOL (formerly PAM) - excluding First Year Writing Seminars - each semester for their first four semesters, excluding winter and summer sessions.
- Students must earn 9 credits in Human Ecology departments outside their major department:
- First Year Writing Seminars do not count towards this requirement.
- “HE” prefix courses below the 1500 level do not count towards this requirement.
- Statistics and Research Methods courses (PUBPOL 2100, PUBPOL 3120, DEA 3550, HD 2830) do not count towards this requirement.
- A maximum of 3 credits of department Special Studies (4000 Independent Study, 4010 Research, 4020 Supervised Fieldwork) may be applied towards this requirement. 4030 Teaching Apprenticeship courses do not count towards this requirement.
- Students must earn a minimum of 120 total academic credits to graduate. Physical education nor “10XX” courses do not count towards the 120 minimum credits for graduation
- Of the 120 credits, at least 60 credits must be earned at Cornell University.
- A maximum of 12 credits of Special Studies courses (ex. 4000 Independent Study, 4010 Research, 4020 Supervised Fieldwork, and 4030 Teaching Apprenticeship) may be applied towards the total 120 credits requirement.
Cornell University is phasing out individual school and college Dean's Lists. Undergraduate students matriculating in Summer 2023 and beyond will no longer receive a Dean's List designation. The discontinuation will apply to all students by the end of Spring 2026. For students matriculated prior to Summer 2023, please see the criteria below.
Excellence in academic achievement is recognized by placing on the Dean's List the names of students who have completed satisfactorily:
- At least 12 credits of letter grades.
- A semester GPA of 3.7 or above.
- No F or U grades.
Dean's List will be determined at the end of each semester. Dean's List will be officially noted on each students transcript each term it is received.
Form more information on please see
- Students must fulfill the requirements specified for a major that are in effect at the time of their matriculation. They also have the choice of fulfilling the requirements specified for subsequent years. However, they cannot mix and match requirements from different years
- Curriculum requirements for each graduating class are available online.
Human Ecology will accept all minors that are approved by the University. Minors are controlled, tracked, and audited by the department or unit in which they are offered. Information regarding completion of requirements must be reported by the unit sponsoring the minor to the Human Ecology's Registrar's Office for it to be noted on the transcript.
- S/U grading option may not be used for College Distribution courses or required major courses unless it is the only grade option offered for those courses.
- S/Us MAY be used for the 9 credits of Human Ecology coursework outside of one's major and for electives.
- Students may apply no more than 12 credits of S/U towards graduation requirements. If a required course is only offered S/U, it will not count towards this limit. Students may take more S/Us if they choose, but the additional credit will not be applied towards graduation.
- The deadline for changing grade options is 57 calendar days after the start of classes, the same as the “Drop” deadline.
- Students must carry 12 credits each semester (excluding physical education) to be matriculated as full-time students. Carrying fewer than 12 credits will have financial aid implications and will make students subject to academic action as defined by the Committee on Academic Status (CAS).
- Exception: Mature students (24 years or older at date of matriculation) can enroll for as few as 6 credits without petitioning for permission
- Students must enroll in a minimum of one 3-credit course each semester in HE for their first four semesters, excluding winter and summer sessions (beginning with students entering in fall 2022).
There is no limit to the number of credits that may be taken in the endowed colleges (Arts, AR, EN, HO) or in the statutory colleges (HE, ILR, and CALS). Depending on their needs and desires, students may choose to take additional courses and graduate with more than 120 credits.
Leaves of Absence
A student may request a leave of absence at any time after they have commenced attendance at the university as part of a Cornell degree program. A leave may be extended for a second semester by making a written request to the Office of Human Ecology Registrar (1204 MVR Hall, Note: In absentia study status and leave of absence status are not the same; however, students may petition to earn credits with either status. Students on leave must notify the college registrar (1204 MVR Hall,, of their intention to return to campus by returning the Return from Leave of Absence form by November 30 for a spring return and July 31 for a fall return. Those whose leave period has expired will be withdrawn from the college after the third week of the semester they were due back.
Students considering a leave of absence should discuss their plans with a counselor in the Office of Student and Career Development. The student must initiate the leave request using the Cornell Leave of Absence and Withdrawal Request to officially request a leave. Leaves initiated after instruction begins will be charged a percentage of the semester tuition. The University Registrar will determine the effective date of the leave.
The academic records of all students who are granted a leave of absence are subject to review, and the Committee on Academic Status may request grades and other information from faculty members to determine whether the student should return under warning or severe warning or in good academic standing.
Under certain documented medical circumstances a student may be granted a health leave of absence. Health leaves are initiated by the student with Cornell Health. If they recommend a health leave for the student, the college registrar may grant the leave. A health leave is for an indeterminate period of time not to exceed five years. Students who are granted a health leave of absence have the option to maintain contact with a counselor in the Office of Student and Career Development (1210 MVR Hall (607) 255-2532). The counselor will advise the student on procedures to obtain a recommendation from Cornell Health to the college registrar for the student’s return. Students should plan sufficiently in advance to assure time for Cornell Health and the college registrar to consider their request. The request should be initiated by November 30 for a spring return and by July 31 for a fall return.
A withdrawal is a termination of student status at the university. Students may withdraw voluntarily at any time by submitting a withdrawal request. A student considering such an action is urged to first discuss plans with a counselor in the Office of Admission, Student, and Career Development (1210 MVR Hall, (607) 255-2532). The University Registrar will determine the effective date of the withdrawal.
In some instances, a student may be given a withdrawal by the college registrar. Students who leave the college without an approved leave of absence, or do not return after the leave has expired, will be given a withdrawal after the seventh week of the semester in which they fail to register.
A student who has withdrawn from the college or who has been given a withdrawal by the college registrar and who wishes to return at a later date must reapply through the Office of Admission for consideration along with all other applicants for admission. If the student was in academic difficulty at the time of the withdrawal, the request for readmission will be referred to the Committee on Academic Status (CAS) for consideration, and that committee may stipulate criteria under which the student may be readmitted to the college.
- Cornell Abroad: 15 Cornell credits (statutory, non-Human Ecology)
- Cornell-in-Washington: 15 Cornell credits including 8 PAM credits for PAM majors or 8 credits outside the major for non-PAM majors
- Capital Semester: 12 Human Ecology credits including 8 PAM credits for PAM majors or 8 credits outside the major for non-PAM majors
- A total of 12 credits of special study course work from Human Ecology or other colleges will count towards the 120 graduation credit requirement. [Additional credits can be taken but will not be applied.]
- Students cannot TA (4030) the same course for credit more than once or take and TA the same course simultaneously. 4030 does not fulfill any requirements towards the major. Registration for 4030 may not exceed 5 credit hours per semester.
- For students who matriculated to Human Ecology prior to August 2024: A maximum of three credits of 4000-4020 (not including 4030) may count towards the "credit outside the major" category as long as the special study is in a department outside the student's major.
- "10XX" courses do not count towards graduation credit but does count towards full-time status.
- PE courses do not count towards graduation credit and do not count towards full-time status.
Students should scrutinize course descriptions for details about other Cornell courses with duplicate content that would preclude a student from receiving full credit for duplicate courses. For example, students may not receive 6 credits toward graduation requirements if they take D SOC 1101 and SOC 1101. Because both are introduction to sociology courses, only 3 credits would be allowed. To aid students in this evaluation please see the Forbidden Overlap List.
For students entering Cornell as first-year students, no more than 15 credits earned elsewhere (e.g. AP/IB, college courses earned in-absentia) may be applied to the 120 credits required for graduation. The College and departments/programs may place additional limits on how AP or in-absentia credits may apply to particular requirements. Students with questions about specific transfer credits should work with the registrar's office.
The Human Ecology Registrar's Office will process AP credits upon receipt from the testing service. Please check the Transfer Credit Report on Student Center to confirm your credit has been posted. For those receiving more than 15 credits of AP coursework, you will need to inform the registrar which credits you wish to accept.
Human Ecology Advanced Placement Equivalencies for freshmen entering in Fall 2019 and after
Please read through this information carefully. Where specified you will want to look for your major/option and see how certain AP exam credits can be applied to your major. If you take the equivalent course you forfeit your AP credit (example: you have AP Psychology score of 5 and you take PSYCH 1101, you will forfeit your AP Psychology credit).
Please keep in mind that you are allowed 15 credits from AP/pre-college and In Absentia combined. In Absentia credit comes from credit taken at another institution after you’ve matriculated to Cornell.
The Human Ecology Registrar’s Office will process AP credit upon receipt from the testing service. Please check the Transfer Credit Report on Student Center to confirm your credit has been posted. For those with more than 15 credits of AP coursework, you will need to inform the Registrar’s Office which credits you wish to accept.
AP English
ALL Majors
AP English Literature score of 5 = 3 credits, places you out of 1 FWS
AP English Language score of 5 = 3 credits, places you out of 1 FWS
If you have two AP English scores of 5, you can use one to place you out of one FWS. You will not receive credit for the second AP English exam. If you take both FWS at Cornell, you will not receive any credit for AP English exams.
IB HL English score of 7 = 3 credits, places you out of 1 FWS. IB HL English score of 6 is not accepted and awards no credit.
AP Calculus & AP Statistics
DEA, Fashion Design, HD and GPHS
- AP Calculus AB score of 4 or 5 = 4 credits toward either Additional Requirements or Electives
- AP Calculus BC score of 4 or 5 = 8 credits towards either Additional Requirements or Electives
- AP Statistics – No credit is accepted for this exam, must take Statistics at Cornell
Fashion Design Management
- AP Calculus AB – score of 4 or 5 may be used toward Calculus requirement
- AP Calculus BC – score of 4 or 5 may be used toward Calculus requirement
- AP Statistics – No credit is accepted for this exam, must take Statistics at Cornell
Fiber Science
- AP Calculus AB – score of 4 or 5 may be used toward Calculus I requirement
- AP Calculus BC – score of 4 or 5 may be used toward Calculus I and II requirement
- AP Statistics – No credit is accepted for this exam, must take Statistics at Cornell
AP Calculus & AP Statistics – information adapted from curriculum sheet:
"CHE students must take either Calculus or Statistics at Cornell unless they have earned a score of 4 or 5 on the BC Calculus exam. Students in this case may use AP Calculus BC for the Calculus requirement and if they have AP Statistics score of 4 or 5 may apply that for the Statistics requirement. Students who have a 4 or 5 on AP Calculus AB must take Statistics at Cornell."
AP Biology
(IB HL Biology, score of 6 and 7 are counted the same as AP Biology score of 4 and 5, respectively)
DEA, Fashion Design, Fashion Design Management, HD
- AP Biology score of 5 = 8 credits may count toward the Natural Science I Requirement.
- AP Biology score of 4 = credit is only applied as Elective credit once student has completed the Natural Science requirement with Chemistry or Physics. HD students receive no credit for AP Biology score of 4 because they are required to take an Introductory Biology course (ex. BIOG 1140).
Fiber Science
- AP Biology = not accepted toward Biology requirement.
- AP Biology score of 5 = 3 credits may be used towards 1 semester of Introductory Biology. Must take one semester of Introductory Biology lecture with lab to complete requirement.
- AP Biology score of 4 = not accepted
No AP credit may be used for the Natural Science II Requirement
AP Microeconomics
- Does not accept AP Microeconomics.
Fashion Design, Fashion Design Management, Fiber Science
- Score of 5 may be used toward the Economics requirement.
- Score of 5 may be used toward the Additional Elective requirement.
- Score of 5 may be used toward the Social Sciences requirement.
Other AP exams
Other more straightforward AP credit allocation can be found in the Courses of Study
Please note that Cornell no longer accepts credit for AP US Government & Politics, AP US History, AP European History, AP World History.
Once the 15 credit AP/In Absentia limit has been reached, AP exams may be used as prerequisites for higher level courses or to fulfill requirements, although the credits will not count toward graduation.
Students must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better to graduate. Students who fall below 2.0 cumulatively or during a semester are subject to academic action.
The Registrar’s office manages the transfer credit process in coordination with the Directors of Undergraduate Studies in the College. Transfer students are required to complete all degree requirements with at least 60 credits of coursework from Cornell University. Thus, a maximum of 60 hours in transfer credit, for courses with a grade of “C” or above may be allowed from other accredited colleges or universities.
Cornell University does not accept credit for courses sponsored by colleges but taught in high school to high school students, even if the college provides a transcript of such work.
Students must submit an official transcript from all institutions in which transfer credit is being requested. Courses with a grade of “C” or above will be considered for transfer.
A syllabus for each course containing the information below should be submitted for review:
- Syllabus must cover 80 percent of the material covered in the Cornell course.
- Syllabus uses a standard textbook equivalent to that used in a Cornell course.
- Syllabus must include examinations, writing, projects, or other submitted work, produced individually or collectively, that is roughly as extensive as that required in the equivalent Cornell course.
- Syllabus must indicate roughly equivalent meeting hours as are required in the equivalent Cornell course.
Transfer credit may be awarded for Freshmen Writing Seminar requirements. These courses may be reviewed by the Knight Institute at the request of the Registrar.
- Transfers are highly encouraged to seek approval from advisers (faculty or student services staff) regarding their incoming schedules. A heavy course load (more than 15 credits) during the first Cornell semester is discouraged.
- Students in some majors may require an extra semester or two to finish departmental requirements.
- Premeds should speak with their advisers or student services counselors regarding course sequencing and timing, college and university resources, and medical school admission timetables. Pre-Meds must complete 30 credit hours (not including PE or S/U grades) at Cornell to be eligible for the HCEC process.
- External transfer students must spend a minimum of 4 academic (Fall or Spring) semesters in residence on the Ithaca Campus. Cornell in Washington/Study Abroad will not apply to this requirement. Summer session course work will not apply to this requirement.
Students in the college are permitted to enroll in a maximum of 18 credit hours per term. Students with 2 terms of study at Cornell, a minimum GPA of 3.5000 (beginning in Spring 2023), and that are in Good Standing with the college may petition to take up to 22 credits per term. Petitions to take more than 18 credits are accepted ONLY during the add/drop period in the term in which the additional credits will be taken. We will not accept petitions during the pre-enrollment period for any academic term to exceed 18 credits. View the petition online form.
- Office of the Registrar: 255-2235
- Courses of Study
- Curriculum Sheets
Advising Reports are available through Student Center for all students. They match the student's curriculum sheet for their major based on their matriculation date. While the Advising Report matches the information on the curriculum sheets, the curriculum sheets should be consulted for additional information.