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Forms and Petitions

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The following forms/petitions are submitted electronically:
You will receive an email after the process has been completed.
General Petition
Use this form to petition a policy such as a missed deadline, request to withdraw from a course(s) after the drop deadline, extending graduation date, etc. Do not use the General Petition for time conflicts. The procedure requires students to meet with a Student Counselor in Human Ecology Office of Student and Career Development, you may schedule an appointment before submitting form to HE Registrar's Office.
Time Conflict Petition (these requests are not accepted or reviewed during pre-enroll)
Use this form to request to be enrolled in classes that overlap in meeting times. If the classes are offered on the same day and time you will not permitted to take both.
To petition you must meet the following requirements:
- must be in Good Standing with the College/School
- must have a minimum 3.5000 cumulative GPA
- time conflict cannot be greater than 25% of either class
Curriculum Waiver/Substitutions
Use this form to petition for a course to be waived or substituted with a different course. Note: Allow three weeks to process.
In Absentia Petition
Use this form to request permission to take course work at a College or University outside Cornell and transfer the credits to Cornell to use towards your degree. Please use the Curriculum Waiver/Substitution form for Abroad/Exchange course work during the Fall and Spring semesters. Note: Allow three weeks to process.
Over 18 Credit Hour Enrollment Form
Use this form to request permission to enroll in more than 18 credits.
Special Studies Enrollment Form
Use this form to request enrollment in a Directed Reading (4000), Empirical Research (4010), or Supervised Fieldwork (4020) course.
Please access the application by clicking on the link above. Unlike in past semesters, Human Ecology/Brooks Registrar’s Office will NOT be manually enrolling students in these courses. Once the application is submitted and fully approved, you will receive a Permission Number by email. You must self-enroll in the course through Student Center (search by the Class Number) – you are not enrolled in the class until it is on your Student Center schedule. Once you are enrolled in a Special Studies course, please review the grading option and course units for the class. Do not drop the class.
Teaching Assistant (4030) Form
Use this form when you want to TA a Human Ecology or Brooks School Course.
Please access the application by clicking on the link above. Unlike in past semesters, Human Ecology/Brooks Registrar’s Office will NOT be manually enrolling students in these courses. Once the application is submitted and fully approved, you will receive a Permission Number by email. You must self-enroll in the course through Student Center (search by the Class Number) – you are not enrolled in the class until it is on your Student Center schedule. Once you are enrolled in a Special Studies course, please review the grading option and course units for the class. Do not drop the class.
Electronic Student Add/Drop Enrollment Request
Use this form to add a class that is by permission by instructor only. Students will also need to use this form with an instructor's approval to drop a class.
Change of Major
Use this form to change your major. Please note that you are held to the curriculum year in effect at the time you change majors.
Request for Leave of Absence or Withdrawal from the University
Use this form to request permission to take a Leave of Absence from Cornell for one semester or to withdraw from the University. Student Health Insurance is terminated when student is in LOA status.
Health Leave of Absence
A student considering a health leave of absence should visit the Health Leave of Absence site for details of this process. Student should schedule an appointment with a counselor in Human Ecology Office of Student and Career Development and work with the University Health Leaves Coordinator.
Request to Return from Leave of Absence
Use this form to request to return to Cornell after a Leave of Absence. Students on leave must notify the college registrar of their intention to return to campus by returning this form by November 30 for a spring return and July 31 for a fall return.
The following forms are available online by clicking on each form title to retrieve the pdf.
*iPhone/iPad/MAC users-please use Adobe to complete this form, Apple Preview does not save the form properly.*
You will need to complete the form and circulate via email to obtain signatures.
Dean's Certification Release
Use this form to allow the HE Office of Registrar permission to verify good standing status for Law School Admissions.
Transfer Credit - High School Form
Use this form for courses taken during your high school career that you are asking permission to receive credit towards your Cornell Degree. This form and the Transfer Credit - College Form must both be completed and returned to be considered.
Transfer Credit - College Form
Use this form for courses taken during your high school career that you are asking permission to receive credit towards your Cornell Degree. This form and the Transfer Credit - High School Form must both be completed and returned to be considered.
- be in Good Standing with the College or School