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Roger Figueroa, is the Director and Founder of the Figueroa Interdisciplinary Group (FIG) Lab, and Assistant Professor in Social and Behavioral Science in Nutrition in the Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS), College of Human Ecology at Cornell University. In the FIG Lab, the research team designs testable conceptual frameworks, measures, and multi-faceted research studies to understand how policy, systems, and environmental factors influence diet- and health-related outcomes. Dr. Figueroa is a transdisciplinary scientist with expertise in public health, nutrition, implementation, participatory, and team science. Currently, Dr. Figueroa’s research examines the role of social services and policies (such as childcare, and food assistance), as well as sustainable food systems on the prevention of diet-related chronic diseases in low-income and minoritized communities. To date, Dr. Figueroa has developed a comprehensive skill foundation in research methods, including training in a broad range of quantitative (i.e., advanced linear modeling, structural equation modeling, psychometrics), qualitative methods (i.e., grounded theory, ethnography, qualitative GIS), and mixed method research. Dr. Figueroa has received training and research funding support from the USDA, NIH, and from other institutional-level grant programs.
Not working with students at this time.
Figueroa, R., & Houghtaling, B. (2024). Food is Medicine and implementation science: A recipe for health equity. Translational Behavioral Medicine, ibae005.
Liu, R., Figueroa, R., Brink, H. V., Vorland, C. J., Auckburally, S., Johnson, L., ... & Ells, L. (2024). The efficacy of sleep lifestyle interventions for the management of overweight or obesity in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 321.
Chiong, R., Salas, J., Kohn, J., St John, E., & Figueroa, R. (2024). A Formative Evaluation of an Online Meal Kit and Grocery Platform for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Recipients. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 56(1), 43-53.
Figueroa, R., & Verma, R. (2023). Constituent-driven health policy informed by policy advocacy literature. Translational Behavioral Medicine, ibac116.
Figueroa, R., Baker, K., Capellan, J., Pinheiro, L. C., Burd, L., Lim, J., ... & Phillips, E. (2022). Residential urban food environment profiles and diet outcomes among adults in Brooklyn, New York: A cross-sectional study. Public Health Nutrition, 1-9.
Chiong, R., & Figueroa, R. (2022). Food Insecurity and the Association between Perceptions and Trust of Food Advertisements and Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods among US Parents and Adolescents. Nutrients, 14(9), 1964.
Fuligni, G. L., Gonzalez, C. J., & Figueroa, R. (2022). Adolescents’ proxy reports on obesity-related parenting practices: factorial validity and reliability across four behavioral domains. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-10.
Baker, K., & Figueroa, R. (2021). Motivation, attitudes, and diet quality among US parents and adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior, 45(1), 125-137.
Figueroa, R., Isasi, C.R., Perreira, K.M. et al. Targeting family functioning, acculturative stress, and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption for obesity prevention: findings from the Hispanic community children’s health study/study of Latino youth. BMC Public Health 20, 1546 (2020).
Chair, Advocacy Council, Society of Behavioral Medicine
Editorial Board, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
B.A., Physical Education, Bayamon Central University
M.Sc., Health and Kinesiology, UT-San Antonio
M.P.H., Chronic Disease Prevention, University of Illinois
Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Public Health Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Certificate in Implementation Science, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California at San Francisco