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Temporary Office Space

Rent a Cubicle in NYC
Cornell Human Ecology is now offering cubicle space in New York City for faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students on the 11th Floor of 570 Lexington Avenue (bet. 50th and 51st).
Follow the instructions below to reserve your space. Email or call 607-253-2532.
How to Reserve a Cubicle
Cubicle reservations are made via Outlook and are limited to 4-hour blocks or less.
- Reach the page by opening your Outlook calendar,
- Select “New Meeting” from the toolbar at the top,
- Then select your date and time
- Note there is a 4 hour maximum reservation time
- In the "search for location" section, type in “Cornell Human Ecology NYC” and the CHE NYC option should be visible: “Cornell Human Ecology NYC Cubicle 1122-13”, or “Cornell Human Ecology NYC Cubicle 1122-15”.
- Once you have selected the cubicle of interest, go back to “Appointment” in the top toolbar by clicking “Appointment” – Add the subject of your meeting and click send to reserve it.
- If you need more than 4 hours, you will need to make a new reservation.
- Your reservation is tentative until it is confirmed in a follow-up email by the reservation staff.
If, on arrival, you find the cubicle is missing anything, please email