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The Pritchard Lecture Series in Human Nutrition

The Pritchard Lecture Series in Human Nutrition is sponsored by the Klingenstein Pritchard Scholarship Program and is dedicated to human nutrition, from conception through weaning onto adulthood and honors those who have made significant contributions to human nutrition. This lecture is open to the Cornell community and the public, free of charge. No registration is required for this event.
Previous speakers:

Sharon M Donovan; professor at the University of Illinois. "Opportunities for precision nutrition in the first 1,000 days: Nurturing the holobiont”, August 29th, 2023.

Tim Spector, MD; Professor of Genetic Epidemiology King’s College London. “ The Future of Personalized Nutrtion”, May 10, 2022.

Regan Bailey, PHD; professor in the Department of Nutrition Sciences and faculty associate at the Center on Aging and the Life Course at Purdue University. “ Insights from national survey data on dietary factors related to chronic diseases of aging”, May 13, 2021.

David Eide, PhD; Professor & Chair of the in Nutritional Sciences Department, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "Meeting your quota: The cellular economy of zinc", February 17, 2020.

Teresa A. Davis, PhD; USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition research Center; Baylor College of Medicine; Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Nutrition. “Role of Nutrition in the Regulation of Muscle Growth”, April 22, 2019.

Janet C. King, PhD; Senior Scientist, CHORI. “Integrating Zinc biology into Effective Zinc Interventions”, November 6, 2017 2017.

A. Catherine Ross, PhD ‘76; Pennsylvania State University. “Vitamin A Supplementation in the Neonatal Period: To Neonates, or Mothers?”, January 27, 2017.

Robert Cousins, PhD; Director, Center for Nutritional Sciences at the University of Florida. “Zinc Transporters-Regulation and Functions”, September 21, 2015