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Applying to the Didactic Program in Dietetics

Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) Application and Admission
Cornell University students interested in pursuing a career as a Registered Dietitian will need to apply (typically in their junior year) to the DPD offered by the Division of Nutritional Sciences.
Becoming a DPD Student
Before completing the requirements for admission to the DPD Program, interested students should register as a "Pre-Dietetics" student by downloading and submitting the DNS DPD Student Intent Form. Please complete this form and return it to You can register to be a DPD student at any point, but the earlier the better to ensure your take the correct classes and receive adequate advising. Additionally, pre-dietetics students will get pre-enroll access to specific courses for the DPD (i.e., NS 2470 – Contemporary Foods), and they will be able to enroll in DPD courses outside of DNS (i.e., HADM 3365).
Registering as a Dietetics Student at Cornell
Students intending to complete DPD requirements at Cornell are required to contact the DPD Director after submitting their DNS DPD Student Intent Form. Registering as a Dietetics student allows the program to keep track of students working to complete DPD requirements. It allows the program to plan for student needs in dietetics and allows students to receive individual advisement and guidance on the path to becoming an R.D. There is a $75.00 fee to register as a dietetics student and complete the DPD requirements which is used to offset transcript evaluation, program supplies and accreditation fees. Students are required to pay this fee when submitting requests for transcript evaluation (after acceptance into the DPD).
DPD Application and Admission
DPD Application and Admission
DPD Application and Admissions take place during the fall semester each year. Students should plan to work on parts of the application prior to the October 1 deadline to ensure they have time to receive assistance with the materials, if necessary. For example, many students have not had an interview or created a resume prior to this application and Cornell Career Services can assist students with their professional development. This application process is meant to help each student prepare for their post-graduation life and ensure students understand what dietetics entails. See below for instructions for each part of the application that should be submitted:
- DPD Application: all forms should be typed and filled out completely.
- Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts or copies are permissible. If you do not know how to access your transcripts, please reach out to DNS student services for assistance.
- Resume: Please limit resume to 1-2 pages.
- Essay: See instructions under "Supplemental Items" on the DPD application form.
- Submit all application materials as one PDF file and upload to your individual DPD Cornell Box folder.
Admission into the DPD is a competitive and selective process with a limited number of placements. Completing DPD requirements should be an option pursued as part of a thoughtful plan by students serious in pursuing dietetics and health careers. Admissions reflect an overall competitiveness for successful placement into supervised practice and commitment to a career in dietetics and health. Selection will be based on successful academic progress, committed intention to pursue a career in dietetics and health, potential for excellence or leadership in the field of dietetics and a high likelihood for successful placement into an accredited internship post-baccalaureate.
To apply, a student must meet the following minimal application criteria.
- Strong academic performance (generally a GPA ≥ 2.9).
- Completion of the following courses:
- NS 1150
- NS 1220
- NS 2450
- NS 2470
- 1 semester organic chemistry
- Recommended: NS 3410 & NS 3420
- Evidence of committed intention to pursue a career in dietetics including:
- Registration as a pre-dietetics student
- Completion of at least one dietetics related experience, including but not limited to work, volunteer, field or lab experience.
- Membership in CUDA, Southern Tier Dietetics Association or the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Understanding of the role of the R.D. in promoting health in various practice settings.
- Registered pre-dietetics students should apply to the DPD at the beginning of their third year (fourth year for junior transfer students).
- Complete the DPD Application and submit the complete application and supplemental items as one PDF file by October 1 to your individual Cornell Box folder.
- Selected students will be interviewed by current Cornell University Dietetic Interns.
- Applications and results of interviews will be reviewed by DPD Director and the DPD Admissions Committee appointed by the DPD Director. Accepted students will be notified by early November.
Once accepted into the DPD, students will be required to:
- Attend supervised practice application meetings during the fall of their senior year. Meeting dates and times will be made available at the start of the fall semester.
- Complete remaining DPD required courses in order to receive the non-course milestone degree designation of 'Dietetics' on their student records and unofficial transcript.
Students not accepted into the DPD or pre-dietetics students who opt not to apply are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor as well as career counselors in their respective college to discuss other career options. In addition, these students will no longer receive the non-course milestone of Dietetics in their records and unofficial transcript.
After students are accepted into the DPD program, they are expected to complete the following to graduate from the DPD Program and be issued a DPD Verification Statement:
- Complete all remaining DPD course work. Course list can be found on the Academic Preparation in the DPD website under “Minimum Academic Requirements”.
- Must successful complete all DPD Core Knowledge Assessment Measures (based on the 2022 ACEND Standards).
- The DPD program is required to assess each individual DPD student and track their demonstration of core knowledge requirements.
- In the event that a student doesn’t meet an assessment measure set by the program, the student will have a remediation process to help them meet the measure prior to issuing a DPD Verification Statement to the student (Please refer to the Policy & Procedures on Remediation for more information).
- More information on each DPD Core Knowledge Assessment Measure can be found in the Cornell DPD Student Handbook, which current students have access to on Cornell Box and information can also be found on the DPD Handbook and Resources webpage.
- Before a DPD Verification statement in issued, the student must send official transcripts with date degree conferred from the University registrar. The transcript should be sent to the Dietetics Office Administrator. In addition to the above requirements the following is also necessary to complete the DPD Program:
- A minimum of a baccalaureate degree.
- A minimum of 21 credits under the Professional Sciences requirement must be completed at Cornell University. (Alternatively, a Cornell University graduate student may be issued a Verification Statement by Cornell if dietetics requirements are completed while that student is a graduate student at Cornell University. In either case, transcripts and course syllabi for dietetics coursework taken outside of Cornell must be provided by the student in order to complete the transcript evaluation process (see policy on "Credit for Prior Learning" under Policies and Procedures in the DPD).
Contact us at
You may apply to Dietetic Internships through DICAS, a centralized online application service. Most internships participate in this service, but if you have questions about the centralized application, please contact DICAS or call 617-612-2855.
Information on the computer matching service, availability of positions, your responsibilities when you apply and other information can be found on the DICAS site. A video overview of the changes in the application also is available.
Program admission committees will review your application according to program standards. Most programs will make an initial determination of your candidacy based on a first look at your application. This may include evaluating your GPA, completeness of your application and appearance of your application. It is imperative that your complete application be received before the due-date. Applications that are submitted late or are incomplete maybe removed from the selection pool.
To assist you in putting together the highest quality application possible, the DPD director is available for consultation.
Contact the Dietetics director at
Contact the DPD director at