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Courses offered by the Division of Nutritional Sciences

Some courses offered within DNS are required for one or more DNS majors (NS, HBHS, GPHS, and Biological Sciences with a Human Nutrition concentration) and/or minor fields and pre-professional paths (e.g. the Global Health minor or the Didactic Program in Dietetics). These are indicated within the list below. Others are offered as electives to further your knowledge based on personal interests and goals.
Focusing your selections around a specific issue can result in a more concentrated experience and greater depth of understanding of that particular issue. The incomplete list of NS courses below is grouped into areas of interest to help you begin to plan your elective selections. A complete chronological list of NS courses offered can be found in the Cornell Courses of Study.
Courses offered by the Division of Nutritional Sciences
Courses offered by the Division of Nutritional Sciences
- NS 2600 Introduction to Global Health (GPHS, Global Health) (3 cr)
- NS 3060 Nutrition and Global Health (GPHS) (3 cr)
- NS 4450 / AEM 4450 / NS 6455 / AEM 6455 Toward a Sustainable Global Food System: Food Policy for Developing Countries (3 cr)
- NS 4480 / NS 6480 Economics of Food and Malnutrition (3 cr)
- NS 4570 / ECON 3910 Health, Poverty, and Inequality: A Global Perspective (3 cr)
- NS 1600 Introduction to Public Health (GPHS) (3 cr)
- NS 3600 Epidemiology (GPHS) (3 cr)
- NS 4500 Public Health Nutrition (Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 2470 Food for Contemporary Living (Dietetics) (2 cr)
- NS 3450 / FDSC 2000 Introduction to Physicochemical and Biological Aspects of Foods (3 cr)
- NS 4880 Applied Dietetics in Food Service Systems (Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 1150 Nutrition, Health, and Society (NS, Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 1220 Nutrition and the Life Cycle (Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 2750 / ANTHR 2750 Human Biology and Evolution (3 cr)
- NS 3030 Nutrition, Health and Vegetarian Diets (3 cr)
- NS 3150 / PSYCH 3150 Obesity and the Regulation of Body Weight (3 cr)
- NS 3410 Human Anatomy and Physiology (NS, HBHS, GPHS, Dietetics, and Applied Exercise Science) (4 cr)
- NS 3420 Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (Dietetics and Applied Exercise Science) (2 cr)
- NS 4200 Diet and the Microbiome (3 cr)
- NS 4410 Nutrition and Disease (Dietetics) (4 cr)
- NS 4420 Implementation of Nutrition Care (Dietetics) (3 cr; enrollment restricted – priority to Dietetics students)
- NS 3200 Introduction to Human Biochemistry (NS, HBHS, GPHS, and Dietetics) (4 cr)
- NS 3310 Human Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism (NS, Dietetics) (4 cr)
- NS 3320 Methods in Nutritional Sciences (NS, Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 3450 Nutritional and Physicochemical Aspects of Foods (NS, Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 2450 Social Science Perspectives on Food and Nutrition (NS, Dietetics) (3 cr)
- NS 4250 Nutrition Communications and Counseling (Dietetics) (3 cr)
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