Weekly Seminars in DNS

Tuesdays 11:45am-12:45pm (ET). Official class time 11:25am-12:40pm.

The Division invites seminar speakers based on criteria that include:

  • presentation of cutting-edge research
  • coverage of topics across the Field of Nutrition and concentrations (Molecular, Human, International, Community Nutrition)
  • internal sources such as faculty presentations, NIH training grant trainees, thesis presentations by PhD candidates

Fall 2024 SCHEDULE
LOCATION: 100 Savage Hall

Tuesdays 11:45am-12:45pm (ET)  
Official class time 11:40am-12:55pm

September 3, 2024

Exclusively online
Meeting ID: 986 1680 7078
Passcode: 601898
Dr. Christopher Gardner
Title: "More Consensus in Health Science Communication about Nutrition Studies"
Affiliation: Stanford Medicine
September 24, 2024 Kaixiong (Calvin) Ye, PhD
Title: "Gene-Diet Interactions in Human Evolution and Health: Examples from Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids"
Affiliation: University of Georgia
October 8, 2024 Eric Martens, PhD
Title: "Opposing roles of commensal bacterial mucus degradation and metabolite production in inflammatory bowel disease"
Affiliation: University of Michigan
October 22, 2024 Dr. Martha Field
Title: "Expanding our understanding and use of metabolic disease biomarkers"
Affiliation: Cornell University
October 29, 2024 Sarah Stanley, MBBCh, PhD
Title: "Neural Circuits Regulating Metabolism"
Affiliation: Mount Sinai
November 5, 2024 Dr. Daniel Berry
Title: "The diversity of adipose tissue in health, aging, and disease"
Affiliation: Cornell University
November 7, 2024
Faidon Magkos, PhD 
Title: "An Episodic Adventure in Metabolic Physiology and Nutrition"
Affiliation: The University of Copehegian
December 5, 2024 Brian Bennett, PhD
Title: TBD
Affiliation: USDA

Thursdays 11:30am-12:30pm (ET). Official class time 11:25am-12:40pm.


This weekly seminar is based in the Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) with presentations reflecting the interdisciplinary scope of fields relevant to global food, nutrition, health, food systems, poverty and development, particularly in low-income countries.

Most presentations are research-oriented (including graduate student research) and others address policy, practice, or current issues in the field. 

The seminar is informal and intended to generate discussion, broaden the international nutrition network at Cornell, and bring together people with an array of interests and knowledge related to nutrition, including scholars and practitioners in agriculture, public health, human development, biomedicine, communication, development sociology, demography, economics, policy, and technology.

Designed to expand graduate students’ perspectives to include diverse aspects of global research on nutrition and related fields, Students are most able to achieve the learning objectives if they engage actively in the seminar, asking questions and connecting with speakers and audience members.

Take a moment to learn more about the Program in International Nutrition.

If you have any questions for the speakers in this series, please email them to pindirector@cornell.edu and we would love to include them.

One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: https://bit.ly/3EdIaX1 

Micronutrient Forum Series:

February 6, 2025
Dr. Marti J. van Liere
PhD, Director of Programs, the Micronutrient Forum
Title: "Turning Evidence into Collective Action for Nutrition"
February 20, 2025 Dr. Cecilia Fabrizio
DrPH, MPH, Program Lead, Standing Together for Nutrition Coalition (ST4N), the Micronutrient Forum
Title: "Climate Change and Nutrition: Building the Evidence Base to Drive Global Policy Actions"
March 6, 2025 Dr. Martin Mwangi
PhD, Program Lead, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB), the Micronutrient Forum
Title: "Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation and Maternal Nutrition"

Celebration of World Obesity Day Series in partnership with the Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health:

March 13, 2025
Dr. Mirna P. Amaya
PhD, MPH, Group Lead, Health Systems, Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
Title: "People Centered Approach in Childhood and Adolescent Nutrition"
March 20, 2025 Dr. Samantha L. Huey
PhD, Research Associate and Group Lead, Precision Nutrition, Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
Title: "Current evidence on precision nutrition-based interventions for children and adolescents with obesity"
March 27, 2025 Dr. Shah M. Fahim
MBBS, Doctoral Candidate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
Title: "Current evidence on gut microbiome-based interventions for children and adolescents with obesity"
April 10, 2025 Dr. Kripa Rajagopalan
PhD, MSc, MSPH, Lecturer, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University

Dr. Srishti Sinha
PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
Title: "Current Evidence on Diet Therapy for Managing Obesity in Children and Adolescents"

View the full schedule of PIN Seminars on our website.
Register for the PIN Seminar: https://bit.ly/3EdIaX1

Special Seminars and Events

The Dale E Bauman Lecture
Date: September 30

Andrew A. Bremer, M.D., M.A.S, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Office of Nutrition Research

National Institutes of Health
Time: 12.00 noon (Refreshments at 11:45am)
Location: Pepsi Auditorium - Stocking Hall

October 6, 2021

Note 4:00pm ET

Craig Cameron

Barbara McClintock Life Science Lecture Series

“Antiviral Therapy: Towards the Personal and the Precise”

Join webinar


The final requirement in earning a Ph.D. is the completion and defense of the doctoral dissertation, which involves the Ph.D. candidate giving a presentation. Dates, times, locations and speaker information for dissertation seminars will be posted here as that information becomes available.

If you are a Ph.D. candidate in the Division of Nutritional Sciences and would like to learn more about thesis deadlines, requirements, scheduling and taking your exam and submitting your thesis/dissertation, please visit the Graduate School's page Thesis & Dissertation. Please let the DNSHelpdesk know when you have scheduled your exam so we may help you advertise your talk.

The Honors Program in the Division of Nutritional Sciences is designed to challenge research-oriented NS, HBHS, and GPHS majors with strong academic records. Students may conduct Honors research within or outside DNS.

The Honors Program is a structured research-based experience that focuses and builds on a student’s ongoing research, and involves:

  • NS 3980, an introductory course in research (fall junior year for spring graduates)
  • Successful application to the DNS Honors Program (spring junior year for spring graduates)
  • A multi-semester independent research project, mentored by a faculty PI (junior and senior years)
  • Completion of a written thesis that reports the research (final two semesters)
  • Oral presentation of research at the DNS Undergraduate Honors Symposium (final semester

The DNS Undergraduate Honors Research Symposium takes place annually in May.  The Spring 2021 DNS Undergraduate Honors Research Symposium took place on Monday, May 17th, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

  • Information Avoidance in Decision Making: Do Avoidance Tendencies and Motives Vary by Age? | Stephanie Deng (Mentor: Dr. Corinna Loeckenhoff)
  • Adolescents' Proxy Reports on Obesity-Related Parenting Practices: Factorial Validity and Reliability Across Four Behavioral Domains | Gabe Fuligni (Mentor: Dr. Roger Figueroa)
  • The effects of Toxoplasma gondii on Olfactory Sensitivity and Behavior | Jun Park (Mentor: Dr. Margaret Bynoe)
  • The Role of SIRT5 in Regenerating and Mature Skeletal Muscle | Rebekah Epstein (Mentor: Dr. Martha Field and Dr. Anna Thalacker-Mercer)
  • Understanding the Dynamics of Family Drug Treatment Court in Tompkins County | Pearlanna Zapotocky (Mentor: Dr. Laura Tach)
  • A structured literature review, meta-analysis and mediation analysis exploring the use of daily self-weighing to reduce systolic and diastolic hypertension | Melvin Alexander (Mentor: Dr. David Levitsky)
  • Thinking About Health Status? | Pauniz Salehi (Mentor: Dr. Robert Sternberg)
  • Proportions of leukocyte cell types in bovine colostrum and their dynamics as colostrum transitions to mature milk | Jessica Cha (Mentor: Dr. Sabine Mann)
  • Inhibition of ITK Amplifies Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression in a Murine Model of Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula-induced Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis | Alexia Kim (Mentor: Dr. Avery August)
  • Glymphatics-on-a-chip to Reconstitute Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis | Paul Soden (Mentor: Dr. Esak Lee)
  • Neighborhood Support and Wellbeing: Does College Belonging Matter? | Amber Tan (Mentor: Dr. Marlen Gonzalez)
  • The Creation of a Database for the Heme Iron Content of Foods and Preliminary Nutrition Analysis of the First 75 Participants of FeGenes Study | Fernanda Nunes (Mentor: Dr. Kimberly O’Brien)
  • DHRS7: A Candidate for Thermogenic Activation in Brown Adipose Tissue | Seldoen Oshoe (Mentor: Dr. Joeva Barrow)

Many DNS students participate in research through an independent study or employment, with or without applying to the DNS Honors Program. Read more about getting involved in undergraduate research and about DNS faculty research

Check out Recent DNS Honors Theses for a list of past presentation titles, presenters and mentors.

For questions regarding the WHO Cochrane Cornell Summer Institute, please contact summerinstitute@cornell.edu