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Human Metabolic Research Unit (HMRU)

The HMRU is a shared resource for nutrition research and education in the DNS and is administered through the office of the DNS Director. All research conducted in the HMRU is approved by Cornell University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and subject to various HMRU policies and standard operating procedures, see below. Any faculty member acting as the Principal Investigator or the supervising faculty member of any project being conducted in the HMRU is responsible for all aspects of the scientific conduct of the project.
Inquiries about the HMRU should be sent to the HMRU manager, Jennifer Thompson.
The HMRU is a 3,829 square foot research facility with specialized laboratories and facilities to support comprehensive nutrition and metabolism research on human subjects. The HMRU supports many facets of research in the nutritional sciences and other departments, including human metabolism, dietetics, clinical chemistry, and reproductive physiology as well as studies involving human performance and assessment of body composition and bone mass.
Investigators interested in using HMRU facilities should fill out the Intake Form.
Please contact Jennifer Thompson,, if you have any questions.
Learn more about active studies in the Division of Nutritional Sciences
Tours of the HMRU can be arranged through the Manager.
Occasional use of the HMRU facilities for teaching is anticipated and encouraged. Use of the HMRU as part of a teaching program requires approval of the Manager.
There are several active studies within the Division of Nutritional Sciences that take place in the HMRU and elsewhere. Learn more about our studies.
Contact Information:
The Human Metabolic Research Unit
Division of Nutritional Sciences
2nd Floor, MVR-West
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-6301
Contact: Jennifer Thompson
Office: 278 MVR-W, HMRU
Fax: (607) 255-0178