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Global Health Program Experiential Learning Symposium

The Global and Public Health Experiential Learning Symposium (ELS) is an annual event hosted by the Global Health Program, Division of Nutritional Sciences, and the Global Health Student Advisory Board to highlight the work of Global and Public Health majors and Global Health minors. This event creates an exciting opportunity for students to present and share their experiential learning to faculty, staff, and peers, build community throughout the University, and support students with interests in global and public health. If you are curious about experiential learning opportunities, this event is the perfect place to learn more!
Note: Until further notice, all Cornell events, with few exceptions, are being held virtually
What is this event?
The Global and Public Health Experiential Learning Symposium is an event hosted by the Global Health Student Advisory Board and the Global Health Program to highlight the work of students who have returned from experiential learning opportunities. Any Cornell student who has done work related to Global or Public Health is invited to participate and present a poster highlighting their research, case-study, or service-learning project.
What do I need to do to participate?
Wait until the next symposium (typically held in November)! Feel free to check this page in order to get updated information.
What should my poster include?
The design is up to you, but your poster should include background information, the goal of your work, and an evaluation of impact or future plans. Feel free to include information about your methods, research, etc. Definitely include pictures and other visual elements to make it eye-catching!
How can I print my poster?
Mann Library has a poster printing center on the first floor at the Stone Computing Center. Check out this link for more information and guidelines about printing a poster, including the open hours of the printing center. If you need assistance to pay for printing, please email
What should I wear to the event?
Please dress in business casual attire. As a presenter, you will be explaining your work to your fellow colleagues, Cornell faculty members, and other guests. We will also be inviting the Dean of Human Ecology, so dress to impress!
Who will be attending the event?
We are inviting students, faculty, and administrators to attend the event to learn about the work Cornell students have been doing in the fields of global and public health. Attendance and participation in the symposium is strongly encouraged for all students currently completing or interested in completing the Global Health minor.
Should I prepare a speech?
You do not need to prepare a formal oral presentation, but you should be prepared to answer questions and give a brief and informative overview of the work you did during your field experience.