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The Dorothy M. Proud Lectureship
Dorothy Proud received her B.A. from the Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and her M.A. in administrative dietetics at the University of Minnesota in 1930. She worked at Western University Hospital's Department of Dietetics as the assistant director of the department and director of the dietetic internship program before joining the faculty of the College of Home Economics in 1942 as an extension specialist in Institution Management. She was appointed assistant professor in 1946 and associate professor in 1949, and emeritus professor upon her retirement.
In 1984, the Division of Nutritional Sciences received a generous gift from Professor Emeritus Dorothy M. Proud for the purpose of enhancing the undergraduate program in the Division of Nutritional Sciences. It was her wish that emphasis be given to all dimensions of the undergraduate program with special attention given to professional education in dietetics. With that in mind, ad with gratitude to Dorothy, the students of the Cornell University Dietetics Association (CUDA) host this annual event, which is held biennially.
- This lecture is open to the Cornell community and the public, free of charge. No registration is required for this event.
Previous speakers:

Tamara Melton MS, RDN. “How to promote DEI through your Curriculum, Assessment, and Advising ”, May 3, 2022

Karen Collins, MS ’84, RDN, CDN, FAND. “Getting Past headline Hype: Healthy Eating in Practice”, November 1, 2017

Faye Berger Mitchell, RD, LDN; Founder of FoodieOnCampus. “The Business of Nutrition: Pre-Planning for Success”, April 13, 2016

Marcia Herrin, EdD, MPH, RD, LD, FAED; Fellow, Academy of Eating Disorders; Herrin Nutrition Services. "Applying the Right Dose: Using Nutrition Science to Help, Not Harm in the Treatment of Eating Disorders", November 4, 2013

Leslie J. Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN; Nutrition Consultant. “Performance Eating: How Good Can You Be Doing It Right”, April 23, 2011

Ellie Krieger, BS ’88, MS, RD; author; host on The Food Network. “Getting Through: Communicating Nutrition Effectively to Inspire Change”, April 24, 2009
Learn more about the Didactic Program in Dietetics and the Dietetics Internship