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The WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre

The Division’s excellence in interdisciplinary nutrition research has earned it the honor of being the only World Health Organization designated center for nutrition in the United States. This designation was awarded in 2016 to the Division for its expertise in implementation research in nutrition and global policy.
The WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center on Implementation Research in Nutrition and Global Policy in the Division of Nutritional Sciences supports the WHO’s mission to provide training and education to nutrition scientists, while providing technical advice to the WHO and aiding in the development of guidelines. Our Collaborating Center focuses on health systems research, policy and development in nutrition, primarily through its:
WHO Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS): The Division assists the World Health Organization in continually updating the VMNIS, a global monitoring system aimed at reducing the burden of micronutrient deficiencies.
WHO/Cochrane/Cornell Summer Institute: The Division administers a joint annual 2-week training on systematic reviews in public health nutrition.
- Faculty inform WHO’s COVID-19 and breastfeeding guidelines
- WHO turns to Cornell experts for advice on Zika-infected moms
- Cornell nutrition research will inform WHO guidelines, policy
- Quality and regulatory considerations for the use of vitamin A supplements in public health programmes for infants and children aged 6–59 months