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DNS part of new Cochrane network promoting evidence-based health care

A new network of US institutions to promote evidence-based health care and public health
As a Cochrane Affiliate Center in the new US Cochrane Network, the Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University will build on an ongoing collaboration with Cochrane and the World Health Organization to train nutrition scientists to produce systematic reviews in nutrition in support of global policymaking. 2019 marks the 6th year of the WHO/Cochrane/Cornell Summer Institute, and this collaboration has already produced reviews that contributed to global policies and guidelines. The goals of the Cochrane US Cornell University Center align closely with the Cochrane Nutrition Field, which seeks to promote evidence-informed decision-making on nutrition policy and practice. Cochrane reviews on nutrition and health, such as this recently published review on interventions to reduce the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, provide key evidence for policymaking and training nutrition scientists to conduct reviews is critical to develop and sustain worldwide capacity for this effort.