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Message from the Dean Human Ecology Magazine Summer 2021

Dear Human Ecology community,
I am happy to share with you the summer 2021 issue of Human Ecology magazine and to highlight the exciting work happening in the College of Human Ecology. I am so inspired by our work and am especially moved by how our Human Ecology community stayed strong amid the challenges we continued to face and overcome.
We have much to celebrate! The renovations of MVR Hall were completed last year, and as we move back to a fully on-campus experience, I am delighted that our community has the benefit of such stunning facilities designed to deliver our mission. I hope you enjoy our continued coverage of the renovations, including a feature about a brilliant, unique walk-through art installation, PolyForm.
In this issue, we also highlight new initiatives, like the Pathways to Social Justice faculty cohort hire, which brings eight outstanding new faculty to our college. We share some innovative faculty research, including design solutions for individuals with dementia, the impact of gun violence on adolescents, improvements in protective face masks, how charter schools affect neighborhoods, the influence of Vitamin D on COVID-19, and the effect of modern pressures on older adults. In addition, we celebrate several student, faculty, staff, and alumni accomplishments. The College of Human Ecology mission also extends beyond our walls, as exemplified by the Engaged College Initiative and public engagement programs also featured in the magazine.
Our reach is enhanced not only through our partnerships with communities, practitioners, policy makers, and other scholars, but through our amazing alumni and the lives and innovations they influence. I am so grateful for their support and contributions.
Human Ecology magazine is just one way to stay in touch with and be inspired by what is happening in the College. Please connect (or re-connect) in other ways by following us on social media, attending any of our events, reading our monthly eNews Brief, or simply letting us know how you would like to be engaged.
I look forward to an exciting year ahead!
Rachel Dunifon
Rebecca Q. and James C. Morgan Dean
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