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Dr. Kuder describes himself as a health economist and health services researcher. Prior to coming to Ithaca, he was on the faculty of the School of Business and Management at Temple University and is the former Director of the Center for Applied Research at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. He also maintains an appointment at Cornell University's Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences. He received his Ph.D. in Medical Care Organization from the University of Michigan.
I am putting together a research group to write proposals and papers examining how the decision-making processes within hospitals about investments influence the clinical quality of care, disparities in care, and the long term performance improvement. I expect this will leed to long-term grants for data collection and analysis.
I am currently writing a paper on measuring the effect of "hospital integration" on hospital performance.
I am currently finishing a paper on the use of hospital pediatric departments to identify and measure preventable social risk factors in families that can lead to chronic failure to thrive.
PAM 5810: Measuring and Evaluating Health Program Performance & Quality
PAM 5570 : Health Care Organizations
PAM 5582: Field Studies in Health Administration (Sloan Capstone Course)
PAM 5951 : Field Studies in Health Administration (now PAM 5952 Health Adm./ Planning)
Dr. Kuder primarily teaches in The Sloan Program in Health Administration. He teaches courses in the areas of Medical Care Organization, Innovation in Health Care, and Methods in Quality and Equity Analysis. He also teaches the two semester Capstone sequence for second year Sloan students. His research and writing interests include the broad areas of, public policy in health, managed care, health program evaluation and, health decision-making, and access for at-risk populations. Current projects have him looking at the impact of policy on care decisions, the "market" for quality in health services, and the measurement of child health need.
1982, Ph.D., Medical Care Organizations-Health Economics, University of Michigan
1972, M.A., Economics, University of Arkansas
1971, B.A., Economics, Drake University