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Facilities Staff
Eric Nichols, Director, Facilities and Operations
Phone: 607-255-2296
Office Phone for other staff: | 607.255.2200
Catherine Carlson, Facilities Coordinator
Kyle Rouleau, Facilities Coordinator
Robin Snowden, Facilities Coordinator
Building Care
Building Care supports Cornell's academic, research, and public service mission by providing quality and cost effective custodial maintenance services in all academic buildings. The Department strives to maintain a clean, attractive, healthy, and safe environment for all faculty, staff, and students.
The Office of Facilities Service continues the tradition of The Building Service established upon occupancy MVR Hall in 1933 and fulfills the mission of oversight of building maintenance and operations, management of facilities enhancement projects, and protection of the life, property, and research of the College.
IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY THREATENING CORNELL PROPERTY OR RESEARCH, please contact Facility Services Customer Service at 607-255-5322 during normal business hours. FSCS will dispatch Cornell facilities support personnel and contact the CHE Facilities Team. If the emergency is after normal business hours or on the weekend, please contact EMCS at 607-255-5777. They will dispatch a shift mechanic and notify the proper personnel.
IN THE EVENT OF A LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY, please contact 911 immediately. Please place a secondary call to CHE Facilities.
Office of Facilities Service | T411 MVR Hall | Phone: 607-255-2200 | Email:

Martha Van Rensselaer Hall

Savage Hall and Kinzelberg Hall

Human Ecology Building

The HEB Commons

Forest Home Parking Garage

Albert R. Mann Library