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New Student Orientation Information

Welcome Fall 2024 New Students!
Welcome Fall 2024 New Students!
We are excited to meet you and begin our work together this Fall 2024 semester! We will be contacting you via your email address, so be sure to activate your NetID and regularly check your official Cornell email account for updates.
If you are an incoming First-Year student (Class of 2028) your first step will be to visit the Student Portal to verify your major by Monday June 24, 2024. You can change your major at this time if your interests have evolved.
All new Human Ecology students will select courses for the Fall 2024 semester during course enrollment. Please be sure to visit the New Students at Cornell website and click "Course Enrollment" for more information. Additionally, see our "Scheduling Fall Courses" information below and review your major's 2024-2025 Curriculum Sheet to see your enrollment requirements. Your academic department will also provide information that will assist you as you develop your course schedule.
We look forward to beginning our work together during the Human Ecology orientation programs on August 21-23 (in August you will receive an email invitation to our Canvas course with information that will accompany our orientation programming). The Human Ecology specific orientation programs will be an important opportunity to gather information about your major, requirements, and the policies that govern your academic life at Cornell University. You will work with counselors and advisors, meet other students and faculty in your major, and get to know your way around the College of Human Ecology during orientation.
If you run into questions after carefully reviewing the online resources, you can schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor in the Office of Student and Career Development by visiting our website and clicking "Schedule an appointment". Student and Career Development counselors are not assigned, thus students are welcome to schedule an appointment with any available S&CD counselor to discuss your course schedule for this Fall. Students will be assigned to a faculty advisor after your major meeting on August 23. We look forward to knowing and working with you as Human Ecology students at Cornell University!
Scheduling Your Fall 2024 Semester
Scheduling Your Fall 2024 Semester
Full-Time Enrollment Policies
Most students average 15 credits per semester to complete the required 120 credits over their 4 year undergraduate career. All students are required to complete a minimum of 12 credits of academic coursework each semester to remain in good standing. Physical Education (PE) courses and Academic Support courses (ex. CHEM 1007) do NOT count as academic coursework and thus do not count towards the 12 credit minimum requirement per semester nor towards the 120 credits required for graduation.
Please review the Requirements and Policies to remain in good standing with Human Ecology.
Please review the Courses of Study 2024-2025 website for information about Cornell requirements for AP or IB credit, Cornell University policies, and more.
If you have a problem or a concern about your course load when the semester begins, please schedule an appointment to speak with a Student and Career Development counselor.
First-Year Writing Seminars
All students are required to complete two First-Year Writing Seminar (FWS) courses in their first two semesters. However, the college accepts a score of a (5) on the AP Literature and Composition or the AP Language and Composition exam as fulfilling one of the two FWS requirements. Students who earned a (5) on both AP exams will still need to complete at least one First-Year Writing Seminar in their first semester at Cornell.
Transfer students are required to complete any remaining writing requirements during their first semester of enrollment. Refer to your transfer credit evaluation for more information (the transfer credit evaluation website will not work until all of your transcripts have been processed be the Registrar's office - contact if you have questions).
Human Ecology Credits Policy
You are required to complete a minimum of 3 credits of Human Ecology coursework (DEA, FSAD, HD, NS, or PUBPOL) each semester for your first four Fall and Spring semesters at Cornell. Meet with an advisor in the Office of Student and Career Development if you have any questions about this policy.
Please be sure to visit the New Students at Cornell website and click "Course Enrollment" for important dates and information. During course enrollment, you will be able to schedule Fall courses using Course Enroll through your Student Center.
Be thoughtful when planning and scheduling courses.
- Academic departments have been thoughtful about their suggestions and guidance (see the New Student Information website below corresponding to your academic major). Carefully review the specific advising materials and academic department information, including sample first semester schedules, to develop your schedule and to support your planning before making decisions.
- Use the 2024-2025 Curriculum Sheets and the Fall 2024 Course Roster to consider the remainder of your Student Center course schedule. If you still have questions regarding your Fall course schedule after reviewing these resources (and the New Student Information website for your major below) you can schedule a Student and Career Development appointment by visiting this website and clicking "Schedule an appointment".
- Incoming First Years – First Years will be automatically pre-enrolled into HE 1800 Blazing Your Trail in Human Ecology as well as one or more courses for their declared major (course codes: DEA, FSAD, HD, or NS - see department websites below for more information pertaining to your major). Incoming First Years must verify their major by Friday, June 24, 2024 by going to the Student Portal and clicking "Verify Your Major". You will enroll in your remaining courses during your Pre-Enrollment July 22-25 for a approximately 15 credits and a minimum of 12 academic credits (not including PE nor academic support classes, eg. CHEM 1007). If students are deciding between one or more Human Ecology major, look at the new student information (below) and the Curriculum Sheets to view the required introductory classes for each major. Students will have the opportunity to change their major during the academic year, but if you are having a difficult time deciding on your major then you should meet with a Student and Career Development counselor to discuss your options prior to enrolling in courses for the next semester.
- Incoming First Years – Students should aim to be enrolled in approximately 15 academic credits of academic coursework each semester in order to be on track to graduate in four years with 120 credits (15 credits per semester, 30 credits per year, four years total for 120 credits). In order to adjust to the academic rigor at Cornell, some students may choose to enroll in the minimum of 12 credits their first semester, and then they may choose to enroll in additional non-academic credits (ex. PE or a support course like CHEM 1007). Academic adjustments and social transitions will present challenges you cannot yet see, which is why it is important to enroll in a balanced course schedule for your first semester. Also, there is no reason for first year students to be enrolling in 3000 or 4000 level courses in your first semester at Cornell.
- Incoming Transfers – Refer to your transfer credit evaluation when scheduling Fall 2024 coursework.
- Incoming Transfers – You come with college experience, but know that Cornell is a new, demanding, and dynamic environment. Plan your schedule accordingly. Do not overload your first semester with credits and/or courses that might leave you no time for making a successful adjustment. Remember, the grade point average from your former institution does not transfer to Cornell.
- In August we will be emailing you instructions for how to enroll in our Canvas course which will include a digital packet of Orientation information and resources. Know that students can and often do make changes to their schedule once the semester begins (see Academic Calendar and our Human Ecology Registrar Calendar of Important Dates for add/drop deadlines).
Find your major from the list below and review your academic department's New Student Information website to see scheduling suggestions and recommendations for your first semester at Cornell:
- Department of Psychology
- Human Development majors: HD New Student Information
- HD Pre-Enroll Info Session on Monday July 8, 2024 3:30PM - 4:30PM EDT (see HD New Student Website to register)
- Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS)
- Human Biology, Health, and Society (HBHS) majors, Nutritional Sciences (NS) majors, and Global and Public Health Sciences (GPHS) majors: DNS New Student Information
- DNS Pre-Enroll Info Session on Monday, July 15, 2024 3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT (see DNS New Student Website to register)
- Human Centered Design (HCD)
- Design + Environmental Analysis (DEA) majors and Fiber Science and Apparel Design (FSAD) majors: HCD New Student Website
- FSAD Pre-Enroll Info Session on Thursday July 11, 2024 11:00AM - 12:00PM EDT (see HCD New Student Website to register)
Once you have reviewed the information above and have a plan for your class schedule by using the Fall 2024 Course Scheduler tool, you can follow these Instructions for How to Add Classes to Your Shopping Cart in Student Center - which should be done prior to the date of July Pre-Enrollment. Also be sure to Check for Holds in Student Center, which could prevent you from enrolling in classes. If you run into scheduling questions after carefully reviewing the online resources, you can schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor in the Office of Student and Career Development by visiting our website and clicking "Schedule an appointment".
This summer the Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC) is holding Information Sessions for incoming first-year and transfer students to drop-in via Zoom to chat with HPAC pre-health advisors, ask initial questions, and meet other pre-health students. Visit the HPAC Events website to register to attend a July Pre-Health Information Session.
There will be a Pre-Med/Pre-Health Orientation for Human Ecology students on Thursday, August 22 at 10:00am (register to attend this meeting when you complete your Orientation Schedule on Itinerary Builder in your to-do list). In addition to the mandatory Major Meeting, this Pre-Med/Pre-Health Orientation meeting is essential if you are considering a career in human health, medicine, or dentistry.
Pre-Med academic requirements can be accommodated by any major in Human Ecology. Pursue a major that reflects your intellectual strengths, personal interests, and best opportunity for success in and outside the classroom.
You will need to prepare a total academic portfolio over the course of your undergraduate career, including courses in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics), behavioral/social sciences (psychology and sociology), mathematics (calculus and statistics), English (First Year Writing Seminars; writing intensive courses), and the humanities.
- Time management through this transition period is very important. Be mindful of your co-curricular plans and extracurricular involvements as you build around your required academic courses and schedule. Do not hesitate to seek help in this time of transition - utilize the Learning Strategy Center (LSC) for free tutoring, time management skills, and general academic support.
- First-Year Pre-Med students should enroll in CHEM 2070 for Fall 2024, CHEM 2080 for Spring 2025 in order to stay on track with your science requirements. Visit the LSC Tutoring website for more information about free tutoring and academic support classes (non-academic credit, ex. CHEM 1007) for your required sciences.
- It is not always advisable to take both biology and chemistry together in the first Fall semester at Cornell. You should consider your choice of major and the strength of your high school preparation before choosing courses. To learn more, discuss these options with your Human Ecology Pre-Health Advisor (Pre-Health Advising appointments can be made by visiting this website and clicking "Schedule an Appointment" and then selecting "Pre Health Advising" as your appointment type).
- Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental students must complete a total of 8 or 9 credits of biology lecture and laboratory. You may complete this requirement through the two options listed below. (Note: you can only take one lecture course each semester; BIOMG 1350 cannot be taken in the same semester as BIOG 1440 or BIOG 1445.)
Option 1
BIOG 1500 - Biology Laboratory (Fall or Spring, 2 credits)
BIOMG 1350 - Principles of Cell and Developmental Biology Lecture (Fall or Spring, 3 credits)
BIOG 1440 - Intro to Comparative Physiology Lecture (Fall or Spring, 3 credits)
Option 2
BIOG 1500 - Biology Laboratory (Fall or Spring, 2 credits)
BIOMG 1350 - Principles of Cell and Developmental Biology Lecture (Fall or Spring, 3 credits)
BIOG 1445 - Intro to Comparative Physiology, Auto-tutorial lecture & laboratory (Fall or Spring, 4 credits)
NOTE: Some medical schools require two biology labs. Cornell provides various options for these labs which are taken after completion of BIOG 1500.
- Due to increasing competition for entry to medical school, basic mathematics and science sequences (biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics) should NOT be taken during the summer unless there is a reasonable explanation (study abroad, for example, could be a reasonable factor) or dire extenuating circumstance.
- While some medical schools do accept Advanced Placement (AP) credit to satisfy Pre-Med admissions requirements, many do not. Nor are the individual schools entirely clear or consistent on this matter. Even if a certain medical or health professional school does accept AP credit, you will be a much stronger and more competitive candidate for admission if you take your math and science courses in college. AP Credit for General Chemistry is rarely awarded for Pre-Medical students in Human Ecology.
- Students who wish to study abroad are encouraged to do so, though they should work with Pre-Health Advisors early in their academic career to plan their science sequences and other relevant requirements.
- For Transfers: Cornell offers a one-semester organic chemistry course. Please check with your advisor if you are interested in this class. It is only recommended for students who receive a "B-" or higher in general chemistry. At this time, some allopathic medical schools and most osteopathic medical schools still require a two-semester organic chemistry sequence. It is important, therefore, that you consult with a Human Ecology Pre-Health Advisor prior to each Course Enroll period, to ensure that you are making the best course choices.
- Click Here to watch a CHEM 2070 Informational Video by Professor Stephen Lee to aid in your understanding of the tenets of this course prior to the start of Fall classes.
- For more Pre-Health advising information please visit the HPAC Events website to register to attend a July Pre-Health Information Session, explore the Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC) website, and once you arrive on campus you will be able to schedule a meeting with an HPAC advisor.
If you run into questions after carefully reviewing the information above, you can schedule a Pre-Health Advising appointment by visiting our Student and Career Development website and clicking "Schedule an Appointment" and then selecting "Pre-Health Advising" as your appointment type.
If you are still feeling undecided or considering more than one academic major that is completely normal. Even though we are asking all incoming first years to complete the Major Verify form by June 23 in the Student Portal, you will still have the option to explore other majors and change your major later on. If you are considering multiple major options within Human Ecology, you can enroll in two Human Ecology introductory courses to test your interests. Our academic policy states that you are required to complete a minimum of one 3 credit Human Ecology course (DEA, FSAD, HD, NS, or PUBPOL) each semester for your first four Fall and Spring semesters in order to remain in good standing at Cornell.
Begin planning your fall schedule by reviewing the coursework suggestions by department as listed in the "Scheduling Fall Courses | Overview " section above. You should incorporate the following priorities into your schedule.
- First-Year Writing Seminar (FWS course is required) -- Select an FWS course in a time slot that fits the schedule you have created using the Class Roster.
- Two Human Ecology courses (DEA, FSAD, HD, NS, or PUBPOL) -- Review the "Scheduling Fall Courses Overview " section above and schedule a Student and Career Development appointment if you have any remaining questions.
- Natural Science and/or Social science courses according to your interests -- Review the "Scheduling Tips | Pre-Health Students" section above for further guidance if you are considering a health-related career.
Gather more information about Human Ecology majors to finalize your fall schedule. You are also welcome to visit the Student and Career Development website and click "Schedule an appointment" to schedule an academic advising appointment to discuss your interests and plans as you consider your major options.
Your will receive important advising information during the Human Ecology mandatory orientation programs, starting with the Human Ecology Student Success Briefing on Wednesday, August 21 at 10:00am (register to attend this mandatory meeting when you complete your Orientation Schedule on Itinerary Builder in your to-do list). You will also learn more about the faculty advising structure and be assigned a faculty advisor during your Major Meeting on Friday, August 23. Be sure to check your email for more information about our Human Ecology mandatory Orientation programs August 21-23.
The Human Ecology, Office of Student and Career Development is an important resource for academic, career, and personal advising/counseling. Students are not assigned to any one Student and Career Development counselor, and can meet with any available counselor for academic advising and career counseling. Plan ahead to schedule an academic advising or career counseling appointment, as there are no same-day appointments scheduled.
The Director of Undergraduate Study (DUS) for your major department and our Student and Career Development advisors maintain the most current information about curricular requirements, college policies, and career development/graduate school advising. Advice from others, including peers and upper-classmen can be outdated and misleading.
Additional resources:
- Learn about services that are available to ensure that all aspects of student life are accessible, equitable, and inclusive of individuals with disabilities through Cornell University's Student Disability Services.
- Learn how to adjust to Cornell's academic expectations with the Learning Strategies Center. There you will find free resources to help students with Time Management, Study Skills, Free Tutoring, and more.
- For Resume, Cover-Letter, and Mock-Interview assistance, there are drop-in hours during the school year at the Human Ecology Career Exploration Center (CEC). There are also additional resources, job/internship postings, and workshops/events listed on the CEC website.
- The Human Ecology Advising page in the Courses of Study 2024-2025 website has helpful information about the structure of advising within Human Ecology.
- There are many advising and counseling resources to discuss personal issues that may arise throughout your time at Cornell. The Office of Student and Career Development counselors in MVR 1210 are here to meet and talk with Human Ecology students, as well as your Resident Advisor (RA), other residence hall staff, and free mental health counseling resources at Cornell Health. All you need to do is take the first step of asking for help - schedule an advising appointment on our Student and Career Development website.
There are a number of resources available to help students consider their next steps after graduation. In addition to the resources below, you can also refer to your faculty advisor and/or your major department's Director of Undergraduate Study (DUS). Learn more about careers in health, law, business, and design, and how we support students as they thoughtfully consider their career paths.
There will be a Pre-Med/Pre-Health Orientation for Human Ecology students on Thursday, August 22, at 10:00am (register to attend this meeting when you complete your Orientation Schedule on Itinerary Builder in your to-do list). This session is essential if you are an incoming student considering a career in human health, medicine, or dentistry. The Pre-Med/Pre-Health Orientation session is in addition to your mandatory Major Meeting, which will take place on Friday August 23.
Office of Student & Career Development (S&CD)
Our counseling and advising staff in the Office of Student & Career Development are ready to work with students around how to plan their course schedules, study abroad, research, and experiential learning opportunities with graduate school and careers goals in mind. Schedule an appointment with our career development staff by visiting the website and clicking "Schedule an appointment".
Career Exploration Center (CEC)
The College of Human Ecology Career Exploration Center (CEC) has many guides and resources to explore career options. Staffed by student career assistants, the CEC focuses on how students thoughtfully leverage their Human Ecology education to find meaningful internship, graduate school, and career opportunities.
Cornell Career Services (CCS)
This centrally located office, 103 Barnes Hall, offers services and resources to complement the specific offerings found in the undergraduate schools and colleges. There are a range of resources including informational materials, career guides, workshops, Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC), alumni networking resources, and more to help with your planning and preparation. CCS also supports Cornell Handshake, the information system we use to manage correspondence with our undergraduates as well on-campus recruiting, job postings, and contact with alumni mentors. Be sure to register when you arrive!
Additional CCS resources:
Human Ecology Office of Student and Career Development
[Monday through Thursday; 8:30a.m. -- 4:30p.m.; Friday 8:30am -- 4:00p.m.]
Telephone: (607) 255-2532
Human Ecology Registrar’s Office
Telephone: (607) 255-2235
FAX: (607) 255-9256