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During her time at Cornell, Dr. Devine focused on understanding how working women and men, especially those in low income families with children, manage food and eating in the context of work and family demands, social networks, and food and eating environments and on fostering community environments that promote healthy eating.
Book Chapters
Devine, C., Wilkins, J. "Ecological approaches to creating healthy local food environments in the U.S. – push and pull forces." In Morland, K. (ed) Local Food Environments: Access in America. CRC Press. 2014.
Warren, B.S., Wakshlag, J.J., Maley, M., Farrell, T.J., Wells, M.T. Struble, A.M., Devine, C.M.: "Method Development and Preliminary Examination of Dog Walking as a Form of Human and Canine Physical Activity." In: The Health Benefits of Dog Walking for Pets and People: Evidence and Case Studies, Rebecca A. Johnson, R.A., Beck, A., McCune, S., ed. (W Lafayette, IN: Purdue Univ. Press) 2011.
Sobal J, Bisogni C, Devine C, Jastran M. "A Conceptual Model of the Food Choice Process over the Life Course." In Shepherd R, and Perry S (eds.) The Psychology of Food Choice. Cambridge, MA:CABI Publishing. 2006.
Sobal J, Devine CM, "Social Aspects of Obesity: Influences, Assessments, and Interventions", Chapter 15 in Sharron Dalton (ed) Overweight and Weight Management 2nd Edition. Gaithersburg, MD: ASPEN Publishers, 1997.
Selected Journal Articles, Refereed
Devine CM, Barnhill A. "The ethical and public health significance of unintended consequences of behavioral weight loss interventions: The case for systematic assessment and reporting". Public Health Ethics. 2017. doi: 10.1093/phe/phx026.
Agrawal T, Farrell TJ, Wethington E, Devine CM. "Doing Our Best to Keep a Routine: How Low-Income Mothers Manage Child Feeding with Unpredictable Work and Family Schedules" Appetite 120C (2018) pp. 57-66 doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.08.010.
Phillips EG, Charlson M, Wells MT, Winston G, Ramos R, Devine C, Wethington E, Peterson J, Wansink B. "Innovative Approaches to Weight Loss in a High Risk Population: The Small Changes and Lasting Effects (SCALE) Randomized Clinical Trial". Obesity2017. 25 (5), 833-841. doi: 10.1002/oby.21780.
Stark C, Devine C, Dollahite J. "Not My Job: Characteristics Associated with the Application of an Ecological Approach to Preventing Childhood Obesity". Public Health Nutrition. 2016.Public Health Nutrition: 20(1), 174–182.doi:10.1017/S1368980016001798
Garner C. McKenzie SA, Devine CM, Thornburg LL, Rasmussen KM. "Obese Women Experience Multiple Challenges with Breastfeeding that Are Either Unique or Exacerbated by Their Obesity: Discoveries from a Longitudinal, Qualitative Study". Maternal & Child Nutrition. 2016. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12344.
Eldridge, JD, Devine CM, Wethington E, Aceves L, Phillips-Caesar E, Wansink B, Charlson M. "How personal eating environments shaped experiences of overweight Black and Hispanic adults in a “small change” pilot weight loss intervention". Appetite. 2016, 96:129-137. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.09.01. PMID: 26368577.
Winston, G., Phillips, E., Wethington, E., Wells, M., Devine, CM., Peterson, J., Wansink, B., Ramos, R., Charlson, M. "The Relationship between Social Network Body Size and the Body Size Norms of Black and Hispanic Adults". Preventive Medicine Reports. 2015, 2: 941-945. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2015.10.014. PMID: 26705513.
Weisberg Shapiro P, Devine CM. "Because like we missed the way that we eat at the middle of the day: Dietary Acculturation and Food Routines among Dominican Women". Appetite. 2015, 95: 293–302. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.07.024. PMID: 26212269.
Winston G, Phillips-Caesar E, Wethington E, Devine CM, Wells M, Peterson J, Hippolyte J, Ramos R, Martinez G, Eldridge J, Charlson M. "Social Network Characteristics Associated with Weight Loss among Overweight and Obese Black and Hispanic Adults". Obesity.2015, 23, 1570–1576. doi: 10.1002/oby.21155. PMID: 26179578.
Kniffin K, Wansink B, Devine CM, Sobal J. "Eating Together at the Firehouse: How Workplace Commensality Relates to the Performance of Firefighters". Human Performance. 2015, 28: 281-306. doi:10.1080/08959285.2015.1021049.
Phillips-Caesar E, Wansink B, Winston G, Devine C, Kanna B, Wethington E, Michelen W, Wells M, Hollenberg J, Peterson J, Charlson M. "Small Changes and Lasting Effects (SCALE) Trial: The Formation of a Weight Loss Behavioral Intervention Using EVOLVE". Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2015, 41:118–128. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2015.01.003. PMID: 25633208.
Fernandez ID, Fernandez, ID, Chin, NP, Devine, CM, Dozier, AM, McIntosh, S, Martina, C, Yang, H. "Images of a Healthy Worksite: A Group-Randomized Trial of Worksite Multiple-Component Interventions for Weight Gain Prevention with Employee Participation in Intervention Design". American Journal of Public Health. 2015, 105(10):2167-74. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302397. PMID: 25790416.
Garner CD., Ratcliff S L., Devine CM, Thornburg LL, and Rasmussen KM.. "Health Professionals' Experiences Providing Breastfeeding-Related Care for Obese Women. Breastfeeding Medicine". 2014, 9(10): 503-509. doi:10.1089/bfm.2014.0104. PMID: 25347705.
Maley M, Warren B, Devine CM. "A second chance: meanings of body weight, diet, and physical activity in women’s experience of cancer". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2013, 45:232-239. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2012.10.009. PMID: 23395303.
Cowan J, Devine CM. "Diet and body composition outcomes of an environmental and educational intervention among men in treatment for substance addiction: intervention outcomes". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2013, 45:154-158. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2011.10.011. PMID: 22633178.
Sobal J, Blake C, Jastran M, Lynch A, Bisogni CA, Devine CM. "Eating Maps: places, times and people in eating episodes". Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 2012, 51:3, 247-264. doi: 10.1080/03670244.2012.674444. PMID: 22632063.
Cowan J, Devine C. "Process evaluation of an intervention on diet and food environment in residential drug treatment". Public Health Nutrition. 2012.15(7):1159-67. doi: PMID: 22475412.
Devine C, Maley M, Farrell T, Warren B, Sadigov S, Carroll J. "Process evaluation of an environmental walking and healthy eating pilot in small rural worksites". Evaluation and Program Planning 2012.35; pp. 88-96. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.08.002. PMID: 22054528.
Stark C, Graham-Kiefer M, Devine C, Dollahite J., Olson, C. "Online Course Increases Nutrition Professionals' Knowledge, Skills, and Self-Efficacy in Using an Ecological Approach to Prevent Childhood Obesity". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.2011; 43:316-322.
Carroll JD, Demment MM, Stiles SB, Devine CM, Dollahite JS, Sobal J, Olson CM. "Overcoming Barriers to Vegetable Consumption by Preschool Children: a child care center buying club". Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition.2011; 6 (2):153-165.
Bowen Westbrook R, Devine C. "Watching a person who knows how to cook, you’ll learn a lot:’ Linked lives, cultural transmission, and the food choices of Puerto Rican girls". Appetite. 2011. 56(2):290-8. PMID: 21172395
Blake C, Wethington E, Farrell TJ, Bisogni C, Devine C. "Behavioral contexts, food choice coping strategies, and dietary quality of a multiethnic sample of employed parents". Journal of the American Dietetic Association.2011; 111(3):401-407.
Harley A. Devine C. Beard, Stoddard A. Hunt MK. Sorensen G. "Multiple health behavior change in a cancer prevention intervention for construction laborers". Preventing Chronic Disease. 2010;7(3). Accessed 10.16.2010. PMID: 20394694.
Warren B, Maley M, Sugarwala L, Devine C. "Small Steps Are Easier Together: an environmental goal based program to increase walking in rural worksites". Preventive Medicine. 2010; 50(5-6), 230-234. PMID: 20188751.
Maley M, Devine C, Warren B. "Perceptions of the environment for eating and exercise in a rural community". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2010; 42: 185-191. PMID: 20303828.
Jastran, M., Bisogni, C., Sobal, J., Blake, C., Devine, C.M. "Eating routines: recurrence, values, stability, and reflection". Appetite. 2009; 52: 127-136.
Devine C, Farrell T, Blake C, Jastran M, Bisogni C, Wethington E. "Work conditions and the food choice coping strategies of employed parents". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009; 41:365-370.
Blake C, Devine C, Wethington E, Jastran M, Farrell T., Bisogni, C. "Employed parents’ satisfaction with food choice coping strategies: influence of gender and household structure". Appetite. 2009;52: 711-719.
Devine C, Nelson J, Chin N, Dozier A, Fernandez D. "Pizza is cheaper than salad: assessing workers’ views for an environmental food intervention". Obesity. 2007;15S:57S-68S.
Jabs J, Devine C, Jastran M, Bisogni C, Farrell T, Jastran M, Wethington E. "Trying to find the quickest way: Employed mothers’ constructions of time for food". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2007;39:18-25.
Devine C, Sorensen G, Barbeau E, Stoddard A. "Work-Family Spillover and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Construction Laborers". American Journal of Health Promotion. 2007;21(3):175-183.
Ahye B, Devine C, Odoms-Young, A. "Values expressed through intergenerational family food and nutrition management systems among African-American women". Family and Community Health. 2006;29(1):5-16.
Devine C, Brunson R, Jastran M, Bisogni C. "It Just Really Clicked: Participants’ Experiences of the Outcomes of Community Nutrition Education Programs". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2006;38:42-49.
Jabs J, Devine CM. "Time Scarcity and Food Choices: An Overview", Appetite. 2006 47: 196-204.
Devine C, Jastran M, Jabs J, Farrell T, Bisogni C, Wethington E. "A lot of sacrifices: Work-family spillover and the food choice coping strategies of low wage employed parents". Social Science & Medicine. 2006;63(10):2591-2603.
Devine C, Farrell T, Hartman R. "Sisters in Health: experiential program emphasizing social interaction increases fruit and vegetable intake among low-income adults". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2005;37:265-270.
Devine C. "The life course perspective: Understanding food choices in time, social location, and history". Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2005; 37(3): 121-128.
Devine C, Connors M, Sobal J, Bisogni C. "Sandwiching it in: Managing food and work in low and moderate income urban households", Social Science & Medicine 2003; 56: 617-630.
Connors M. Bisogni C, Sobal J, Devine C. "Managing values in personal food systems". Appetite 2001; 36:189-200.
Edstrom K, Devine C. "Continuity in women’s food and nutrition trajectories through mid-life and older age: a ten-year follow-up". Journal of Nutrition Education 2001; 33:215-223.
Wetter A, Goldberg J, King A, Sigman-Grant M, Baer R, Crayton E, Devine C, Drewnowski A, Dunn A, Pronk N, Saelens B, Snyder D, Walsh K, Warland R. "How and why do individuals make food and physical activity choices?" Nutrition Reviews 2001; 59(3-II):S11-S20.
Paquette M, Devine C. "Dietary trajectories in the menopause transition among Québec women". Journal of Nutrition Education 2000; 32: 320-328.
Devine CM, Bove C, Olson CM. "Continuity and change in women's weight orientations through pregnancy and the postpartum period: the influence of life course trajectories and transitional events", Social Science & Medicine 2000; 50: 567-582.
Devine CM, Sobal J, Bisogni C, Connors M. "Food choices in three ethnic groups: interactions of ideals, identities and roles". Journal of Nutrition Education 1999; 31: 86-93.
Devine CM, Sandström B. "The relationship of social roles and nutrition beliefs to Danish women's fat avoidance practices". Journal of the American Dietetic Association.1996;96:580-584
Devine CM, Olson CM. "Women's perceptions about the way social roles promote or constrain personal nutrition care". Women & Health. 1992;19:79-95.
Devine CM, Olson, CM, Frongillo EAJ. "The impact of the Nutrition For Life Program on junior high students in New York State". Journal of School Health. 1992;62:381-385.
Devine CM, Olson CM. "Women's dietary prevention motives: life stage influences". Journal of Nutrition Education. 1991;23:269-274.
Cornell University Graduate Field Membership: Nutrition
1990, PhD, Human Nutrition, Cornell University
1971, EdM, Nutrition Education, Tufts University
1970, RD, Community Nutrition, Tufts New England Medical Center
1969, BS, Food and Nutrition, University of New Hampshire