Fitzpatrick named Bronfenbrenner Center Milman Fellow

Maria Fitzpatrick

The College of Human Ecology’s Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research (BCTR) is pleased to welcome Maria Fitzpatrick, associate professor of Policy Analysis and Management, as the recipient of the Evalyn Edwards Milman BCTR Faculty Fellowship, a role she will hold through June of 2019.

The Milman Fellowship program helps fulfill the BCTR mission to expand, strengthen and speed the connections between cutting-edge research and efforts to enhance human development, health and well-being by bringing a faculty member in the College of Human Ecology into the orbit of the BCTR, actively encouraging their engagement with the center and their commitment to its mission and success.
Fitzpatrick’s main area of focus is the economics of education, specifically on early childhood education policies, higher education and teacher compensation, benefits and labor supply.

“I’m honored to have been named the Milman Fellow this year and excited about the opportunities the Fellowship provides both for continuing to conduct my research on the well-being of children and older Americans and for extending my engagement with local communities around important issues for these populations,” Fitzpatrick said.

“For example, in work that’s being made possible by the Fellowship, Chris Wildeman [professor of Policy Analysis and Management] and I are working to highlight the important role that teachers and schools play in identifying child maltreatment. Longer term, the goal is to work with school districts to use this information to better train and assist teachers in this regard.”

Karl Pillemer, BCTR director at the time of the announcement and Hazel E. Reed Professor in the Department of Human Development said, “The BCTR often supports sociologists and psychologists in these roles, and we were really glad to expand it to an economist who is interested in translating her findings out to the public.”

“One of Maria’s great strengths lies in examining what we can do on a systemic level to encourage better parenting outcomes and reduce child maltreatment. This focus is perfect for the Bronfenbrenner Center, because it goes beyond a single program to fostering policy change at the state and national level.”

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