by Galib Braschler
In College of Human Ecology, Human Centered Design
Provided Adam Lippes ’95 with current CHE students in front of the Statler Hotel ...
Adam Lippes with students
In Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, College of Human Ecology, Human Centered Design, Psychology
by Natalia Rommen
In Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, College of Human Ecology
  Faculty in Cornell’s Action Research Collaborative (ARC) joined New York City and State policymakers and community members for ARC’s ...
Tashara M. Leak (left) and Neil Lewis, Jr. '13 (right) during the 2023 ARC Symposium.
by Juan Vazquez-Leddon
In Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, College of Human Ecology, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Psychology
Provided Noah Berg ’24 received a 2023 Community-Engaged Reflection Award for his work with the Western New York Law Center in B...
by Marisa LaFalce
In College of Human Ecology, Human Centered Design
Heeju Park, associate professor of human centered design in Cornell Human Ecology, has received a Fulbright scholarship to conduct research ...
Heeju Park headshot