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Human Centered Design Student Awards

Our students regularly enter, and are honored, in local, national and international competitions. Below are examples of recent student awards.
Maya Abrol, FSAD Sophomore | FSAD Outstanding Sophomore |
Samantha Alberts, FSAD Graduate Student | Graduate Summer Archival Research Fellowship |
Zoe Alvarez, FSAD Sophomore | FSAD Outstanding Sophomore |
Grace Amigh, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Abigail Brown, DEA Graduate Student | John S. Knight Award |
Caleb Cambron, DEA Senior | The Hillier Award |
Ivy Cao, DEA Junior; Karen Mendoza DEA Senior; Jason Zhou; DEA Senior | East region finalist of IDEC Student Design competition 2024 |
Raquel Coren, FSAD Junior | FSAD Outstanding Junior |
Aidan Collins, Grad Student, Materials Science & Engineering | Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholar |
Jane Dexter, FSAD Junior | Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholar |
Madison Feely, FSAD Junior | dHive Naming Contest |
Lila Frost, FSAD Junior | FSAD Outstanding Junior, Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholar |
Kylie Gillen, FSAD Sophomore | Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholar |
Anna Gyenge, FSAD Graduate Student | Rosztoczy Scholarship |
Karen Joyce, DEA Graduate Student | Environmental Design Research Association – Nana Kirk Scholarship, 2023, Weill Cornell Medicine Center on Aging and Behavioral Research – Design Thinking Contest - 1st place, 2023, Cornell DEA – Grad Pro Seminar Poster Contest - 1st place, 2024, Johns Hopkins/Cornell Safety by Design Charrette - 2nd place, 2024 |
Shuwen Jiang, DEA Graduate Student | ECSkin: Tessellating Electrochromic Films for Reconfigurable On-skin Displays selected to appear in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Showcase on Kudos. |
Doyeon Kong , FSAD Graduate Student | Graduate School Recruitment Fellowship, ITAA Student Best Paper Award (Master's Level) |
Angela Lan, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Ashlyn Lee, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Maria Leite, FSAD Sophomore | FSAD Outstanding Sophomore |
Ashley Liaw, FSAD Senior | Grand prize winning team 2023 Entrepreneurship Food Hackathon |
Zeyu Liu, DEA Graduate Student | Second prize in the Communications Society 2023 Student Competition |
Iris Luo, FSAD Graduate Student | 2024 Einaudi Center International Research Travel Awards for Graduate Students, Cornell Fashion + Textile Collection's Charlotte A. Jirousek Fellowship, Summer Graduate Fellowship in Digital Humanities from Olin Library/Society for the Humanities. |
Nik Martin, FSAD Junior | Cornell Council for the Arts grant, Alpha Phi Alpha Memorial Scholarship |
Dyese Matthews, FSAD Graduate Student | Marilyn DeLong Curatorial Exhibition Scholarship University Excellence Award, International Textile and Apparel Association, Graduate Diversity and Inclusion Social Justice Award, Cornell University, Costume Society of America Stella Blum Student Research Grant, Charlotte A. Jirousek Fellowship in the Cornell Fashion + Textile Collection |
Marcus McDermott, FSAD Sophomore | FSAD Outstanding Sophomore |
Ana Mocklar, FSAD Outstanding Sophomore | FSAD Outstanding Sophomore |
Mattie Nguyen, FSAD Junior | FSAD Outstanding Junior |
Jack Nieberg, DEA Senior | The Beyer Award |
Nina Pofcher, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Kat Roberts, FSAD Graduate Student | International Textile and Apparel Association's Sara Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise: Doctoral Student Award, International Textile and Apparel Association's Marilyn DeLong Curatorial Exhibition Scholarship University Excellence Award, Costume Society of America's Richard Martin Exhibition Excellence Award |
Julia Roos, FSAD Junior | FSAD Outstanding Junior |
Leah Rosenkranz, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior, Fashion Scholarship Fund recipient |
Christina Simon, FSAD Senior | Cornell Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Tuition Fellowship |
Lily Stern, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior |
Ruth Wang, DEA Graduate Student | Grad Pro Seminar Poster Contest 3rd Place. |
Zada Stuart, FSAD Junior | FSAD Outstanding Junior, Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholar |
Dorota Szlek, FSAD Graduate Student | Winner, Human-Centered Technology Poster Competition |
Yada (Neen) Tangcharoenmonkong, DEA Junior | DEA Study Abroad Award |
Paige Tomfohrde, FSAD Graduate Student | Knight Institute’s 2024 Summer Training Program, Adele Filene Student Presenter Grant, Costume Society of America, President’s Council of Cornell Women Frank H.T. Rhodes Leadership Grant |
Arden Van Hollebeke, DEA Junior | DEA Study Abroad Award |
Ruth Wang, DEA Graduate Student | Grad Pro Seminar Poster Contest 3rd Place |
Lily Winagle DEA Junior & Jingwen Zhu, DEA Graduate Student | Project of the year - Cornell Student Sustainability Awards Gala & Special Recognition for Sustainability at CHI 2024 |
Jingwen Zhu, DEA Graduate Student | 2024 CHI’24 Special Recognition for Sustainable Practices Runner-Up, 2024 Cornell University Student Sustainability Award Project of the Year, 2024 CCSS Qualitative and Interpretive Research Institute Small Research Grant, 2023 AATCC Foundation Student Research Support Grant, 2023 The ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) Design Exhibition Aesthetic Award |
Caleb Cambron, DEA Junior | Study Abroad Award |
Aidan Collins, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Nadine El Nesr, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Ryan Greene, FSAD Senior | SUNY Chancellor's award for student excellence, FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Yuexing Hao, DEA Graduate Student | SIG CHI Gary Marsden Travel Awards, Nana Kirk Travel Scholarship, and Women Entrepreneurship (W.E) Cornell Summer Fund for Spring 2023. |
Debbie Jung, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior |
Min Jae Kim, DEA Senioer | Hillier Award |
Yelin Ko, FSAD Graduate Student | First Place in The Fiber Society’s Graduate Student Paper Competition |
Michael Kowalski, DEA Graduate Student | Honorable Mention , James F. Slevin Assignment Sequence Prize, John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, Cornell University |
Kyra Kozin, DEA Senior and Sylvie Lane | Presented Senior Thesis work at the 2023 Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Annual Meeting |
Mona Maher, FSAD Graduate Student | 2022 Paper of Distinction Award; Design/ Product Development Track, International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) |
Maisie McDonald, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Ana Mocklar, FSAD Freshman | Recipient of funding from The Contribution Project |
Sofia Ortiz, DEA Junior | Study Abroad Award |
Kyuin Park, FSAD Graduate Student | Recipient of grant from The 2030 Project by Atkinson Center for Sustainability and a Best Poster Award from New York Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposium at CNF, Cornell |
Aliza Saunders, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior, Best Poster at the BCTR Undergraduate Research Symposium |
Devin Schneider, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Dorota Szlek, FSAD Graduate Student | Participant in the Advanced Graduate Teaching Cohort |
Emme Wong, DEA Senior | Beyer Award |
Heley Yang, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior |
Nina Yang, DEA Senior | Hillier Award |
Rebeca Boudet, FSAD Senior | FSAD Honors Thesis |
Matthew Canabarro, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior Award |
Caleb Cambron, DEA Junior | IIDA Hazel Siegel Scholarship, IIDA First Place Material Bank Palette Competition, IIDA Third Place SHIFT Student Conference Charrette |
Juliana DaRoza, FSAD Senior | FSAD Honors Thesis |
Annabelle Davy, DEA Senior | Hillier Award |
Quinn Guthrie, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior Award |
Nicholas He, DEA Senior | DEA Honors Thesis |
Connie Hui, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior Award |
Youngsook Kim, FSAD PhD Candidate | Alan D. Mathios Research and Service Grant Award |
Jackson Kwon, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior Award |
Jeyeon Jo, FSAD PhD Candidate | Winner, 2022 FSAD Graduate Student Speaking Competition Best Brief, 2021 International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '21), Association for Computing Machinery |
Lauren Lee, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior Award Barbara L. Kuhlman Fiber Arts and Wearable Arts Scholarship 2021 TRASH. Solo Exhibition FSAD Honors Thesis |
Andrew Melissas, FSAD MA | Design for Society/Design for Social Impact European Product Design award Human Ecology Alumni Grant |
Kyuin Park, FSAD MS | Best Poster Award, New York State Nanotechnology Network Symposium (NNN) |
Alena Reed, FSAD Senior | FSAD Honors Thesis |
Kat Roberts, FSAD PhD student | Charlotte Jirousek Fellowship Rural Humanities Microgrant American Studies Research Grant |
Meghna Shroff, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior Award |
Simone White, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior Award FSAD Honors Thesis |
Bonny Wong, DEA Senior | Beyer Award |
Lynda Xepoleas, FSAD PhD Candidate | 2022 College of Human Ecology Graduate Summer Archival Research Fellowship, Cornell University 2022, Richard Martin Exhibition Commendation Award, Costume Society of America (with Emily Hayflick) 2021-2022, Stella Blum Student Research Grant, Costume Society of America 2021, Intellect Books Research Award, International Textile and Apparel Association (with Denise Green) 2021, Rutherford Teaching Innovation Award, International Textile and Apparel Association (with Huiju Park) |
Yan Yan, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior Award |
Wenjia Zong, FSAD MA | Fall 2021 – CCA Exhibition Grant Spring 2022 - Indigo Design Award / Independent Designer / Gold & Silver Spring 2022 - Indigo Design Award / Team project / Gold & Silver Spring 2022 - Cornell Elevator Art Contest / Design |
Matthew Canabarro, Nayeon Kwon, Heley Yang, & Nina Yang, Seniors and Juniors | Third place in 2022 IIDA (International Interior Design Association) student design competition |
Sylvia Lane, Emme Wong, & Kyra Kozin, DEA Juniors | First place in the East Region in IDEC (Interior Design Educators' Council) competition, honorable mention in the National IDEC competition |
Min Jae Kim, Karina Guo, Ha-Young Jessica Shin, DEA Seniors and Juniors | Second place in the East Region in IDEC (Interior Design Educators' Council) competition |
Seh Eun Hong and Chloe Chen, DEA Juniors | Honorable mention, 2022 IIDA (International Interior Design Association) student design competition |
Abby Brown, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior SUNY Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence |
Livia Caligor, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Lauren Forstenhausler, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Olivia Heim, DEA Senior | Hillier Award |
Brandon Hoak, DEA Senior | Beyer Award |
Min Jae Kim, DEA Sophomore | 1st Place, Futuristic Gas Station Development Hackathon, 2021 Seoul Smart Mobility Expo sponsored by Doosan & GS Caltex. |
Annice Lee, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior DEA Honors Thesis KON Honor Society |
Abby Lerner, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior |
Antonio Martinez, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Lili Minerva, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Audrey Perlman, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Vivian Shiu, DEA Senior | DEA Outstanding Senior |
Emily Chen, DEA Senior | Dean's Undergraduate Advisory Council |
Jasmine Chow, DEA | SOURCE Lighting Competition, Award of Recognition |
Julia DeNey, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Alexina Federhen, DEA | SOURCE Lighting Competition, Honorable Mention |
Margaret Dunne, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Hannah Harvey, DEA Junior, Jewel Ingram, Junior and, Erika Kane, DEA Senior | IDEC Student Design Competition Regional Finalist |
Jialin Ke, DEA Senior | D+EA Honors Thesis Hillier Award |
Tuyen Nguyen, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Koloina Rasamoely, DEA Senior | D+EA Honors Thesis D+EA Outstanding Senior |
Siyu Shen, DEA Senior | D+EA Outstanding Senior |
Kyra Streck, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |
Xin Wen, DEA Senior | Beyer Award |
Katie Williams, FSAD Senior | FSAD Outstanding Senior |