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My interests relate to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of nutrition policy, primarily in low and middle income countries. My approach to this work has been from a transdisciplinary, engaged and problem-oriented perspective, in which the key research questions and choice of methods emerges in the course of engaging with policy and program actors at global, national or sub-national levels. This approach is guided by robust theoretical frameworks and ensures that the research is responsive to real-world concerns and more likely to be understood, valued and used by those responsible for policies and programs.
Improved methods for nutrition policy analysis and development; mainstreamed nutrition in Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Vietnam and Bangladesh; policy commitment to address the dual-burden of malnutrition in Nigeria; development and testing of a micronutrient program assessment tool; evaluation and strengthening of the World Vision mobile clinic program in Haiti; exploring the potential for knowledge brokers to enhance policy implementation in complex adaptive stakeholder systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Ethiopia and Uganda; a project to strengthen the theory and practice of nutrition policy advocacy in seven SE Asian countries as well as Ethiopia and Burkina Faso; and an implementation science initiative in Kenya and Uganda to strengthen the implementation of large-scale anemia control programs and document the practice of implementation science in real-life settings.
- Shiffman, J, Quissell, K, Schmitz, HP, Pelletier, DL, Smith, SL, Berlan, D, Gneiting, U, Slyke, DV, Mergel, I, Rodriguez, M, and Walt, G. (2015). “A framework on the emergence and effectiveness of global health networks.” Health Policy and Planning, doi: 10.1093/heapol/czu046
- Shiffman, J, Quissell, K, Schmitz, HP., Pelletier, DL, Smith, SL, Berlan, D, Gneiting, U, Slyke, DV, Mergel, I, Rodriguez, M, and Walt, G. (2016). “The emergence and effectiveness of global health networks: findings and future research.” Health Policy and Planning. (2016) 31 (suppl 1): i110-i123.
- Kambarami, RA.,Mbuya, M, Pelletier,D., Fundira, D., Tavengwa,N., Stoltzfus, RJ. (2016). Factors associated with village health worker performance differ by task in a multi-tasked setting in rural Zimbabwe. Global Health: Science and Practice. 4(2):238-50. PMID: 27353617
- Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Martin SL, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ. (2017). Feasibility of Integrating Calcium and Iron-Folate Supplementation to Prevent Preeclampsia and Anemia in Pregnancy in Primary Healthcare Facilities in Kenya. Maternal and Child Nutrition 13(S1):e12437. DOI 10.1111/mcn.12437
- Michaud-Letourneau, I., and Pelletier, DL. (2017). Multisectoral approaches for nutrition: A Q methodology study to explore the perspectives of national key leaders on the coordination challenges in Mozambique. Food Policy 70:84-97.
- Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Cassano PA, Mwanga E, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ (2017). A Simplified Regimen Compared with WHO Guidelines Decreases Antenatal Calcium Supplement Intake for Prevention of Preeclampsia in a Cluster-Randomized Noninferiority Trial in Rural Kenya. Journal of Nutrition. 2017 Oct;147(10):1986-1991. doi: 10.3945/jn.117.251926.
- Fox EL, Pelto GP, Rasmussen KM, Young SL, Rouzier V, Debrosse GM, Pape JW, Pelletier DL. (2017). Who knows what – An exploration of the infant feeding message environment and intra-cultural differences in message salience between health workers, HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected mothers in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Maternal and Child Nutrition (in press): doi: 10.1111/mcn.12537
- Phillips, E, Stoltzfus, R, Michaud, L, Fils Piere Gracia, L, and Pelletier, D. (2017). Do mobile clinics provide high-quality antenatal care? A comparison of care delivery, knowledge outcomes and perception of quality of care between fixed and mobile clinics in central Haiti. BioMed Central Pregnancy and Childbirth doi 10.1186/s12884-017-1546-7.
- Schuster RC, de Sousa OL, Reme AK, Vopelak CM, Pelletier DL, Johnson LM, Mbuya MN, Pinault D, Young SL. (2017). Performance-based incentives improve teamwork and empower health workers delivering prevention of vertical transmission of HIV services in rural Mozambique. International Journal of Health Planning and Management doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2017.137.
- Pelletier, D., S. Gervais, H. Hafeez?ur?Rehman, D. Sanou and J. Tumwine (2018). "Boundary spanning actors in complex adaptive governance systems: The case of multisectoral nutrition." The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 33(1): e293-e319.
- Bliss, J., K. Golden, L. Bourahla, R. Stoltzfus and D. Pelletier (2018). "An emergency cash transfer program promotes weight gain and reduces acute malnutrition risk among children 6-24 months old during a food crisis in Niger." Journal of Global Health 8(1): 010410.
- Fox, E. L., G. H. Pelto, H. Bar, K. M. Rasmussen, S. L. Young, M. G. Debrosse, V. A. Rouzier, J. W. Pape and D. L. Pelletier (2018). "Capturing Changes in HIV-Infected Breastfeeding Mothers' Cognitive Processes from Before Delivery to 5 Months Postpartum: An Application of the Pile-Sorting Technique in Haiti." Current developments in nutrition 2(6): nzy017.
- Fox, E. L., G. H. Pelto, K. M. Rasmussen, M. G. Debrosse, V. A. Rouzier, J. W. Pape and D. L. Pelletier (2018). "Who knows what: An exploration of the infant feeding message environment and intracultural differences in Port-au-Prince, Haiti." Maternal & Child Nutrition 14(2): e12537.
- Theobald, S., N. Brandes, M. Gyapong, S. El-Saharty, E. Proctor, T. Diaz, S. Wanji, S. Elloker, J. Raven, H. Elsey, S. Bharal, D. Pelletier and D. H. Peters (2018). "Implementation research: new imperatives and opportunities in global health." The Lancet 392(10160): 2214-2228.
- Tumilowicz, A., M. T. Ruel, G. Pelto, D. L. Pelletier, E. C. Monterrosa, K. Lapping, K. Kraemer, L. M. De Regil, G. Bergeron, M. Arabi, L. Neufeld and R. Sturke (2018). "Implementation Science in Nutrition: Concepts and Frameworks for an Emerging Field of Science and Practice." Current Developments in Nutrition.
- Michaud?Létourneau I, Gayard M, Mathisen R, Phan LTH, Weissman A, Pelletier DL. Enhancing governance and strengthening advocacy for policy change of large Collective Impact initiatives. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12728-n/a.
- Michaud-Letourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Issue Information. Maternal and Child Nutrition 2019;15.
- Michaud?Létourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Contribution of the Alive & Thrive–UNICEF advocacy efforts to improve infant and young child feeding policies in Southeast Asia. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12683-n/a.
- Michaud?Létourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Strengthening advocacy and policy change for infant and young child feeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12749-n/a.
- Michaud?Létourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Translating the International Code of Marketing of Breast?milk Substitutes into national measures in nine countries. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12730-n/a.
- Pelletier, D.L. & DePee, S. (2019). Micronutrient Powder Programs: New Findings and Future Directions for Implementation Science. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 2019:e12802
1984, PhD, Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University
1979, MA, Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University
1977, BA, Anthropology, University of Arizona
1977, BS, Biology, University of Arizona